Kyder99 | 0 points | Jan 20 2013 07:56:56

Forgot my password- Spent the past hour guessing it. Finally got it!

I mix words together to make my passwords. I happened to come up with something clever as my fingertips danced on the keyboard and I was in. Then I closed my session to reboot for the night, when a sinking feeling caught me. I didn't actually remember what it was I was so excited to get started with Mega. So I swiftly hop on and ohhh shit, I remember the latter word but not the former. Using a Scrabble cheat website, I remember the first two keystrokes, and spent an hour trying to recreate what felt like the password when just 2 minutes ago, the password error screen took longer to come up and whoah- I'm in!

tl;dr I forgot my password and somehow reconstructed it with what fragments I had remembered. Of all passwords to forget.
