rkruz | 3 points | Jan 23 2013 00:12:17

Is there, or is there going to be, a Mega toolbar or chrome app?

I was looking around and everything I could find looked like spam. Basically i was wondering if there is already a mega toolbar, or if there is going to be one soon.


[-] We_will_prevail | 12 points | Jan 23 2013 00:13:46

Did this guy just request a browser toolbar?


[-] rkruz | 1 points | Jan 23 2013 00:15:42

I personally don't feel all toolbars are bad. If its a simple toolbar, like one Icon I can add to chrome of firefox, I think it would be useful if I use it a ton. I'm not talking about an annoying toolbar, like the ask.com ones or anything like that.


[-] ugotmilk | 1 points | Jan 23 2013 13:47:07

Yeah, I have a Wikipedia toolbar :)


[-] sublimnl | 1 points | Jan 24 2013 03:19:23

What would this toolbar do? Uploads? Any other features?


[-] rkruz | 1 points | Jan 26 2013 19:32:27

I mean my thought would just be a simpler way to upload and download things, or let you check upload progress while still viewing other tabs. My other hope was a desktop application, a lot like dropbox, that would treat mega as just a folder in my documents.


[-] Wiebelhaus | 1 points | Jan 25 2013 22:49:17

The API is open and available to third parties so probably.
