ISUCKATKARMA | 9 points | Jan 28 2013 01:56:51

[MOD REQUEST] Can we start removing requests off this subreddit?

There's even a subreddit dedicated to requests at /r/megarequests which can be put on the sidebar.


[-] West_Garden | 4 points | Jan 28 2013 02:35:41

I think this is a bad idea. Currently, the request posts are what is keeping this subreddit active. Also, /r/megarequests have almost no responses and very little activity. It would also take longer to find the results on that subreddit than this one. If this subreddit takes off on popularity than it may be needed to move requests to /r/megarequests but at the time it is fine the way it is.


[-] HeWhoPunchesFish | 4 points | Jan 28 2013 04:57:15

We agree. The mods won't be removing requests off this subreddit at this time.


[-] oxile | 2 points | Jan 28 2013 02:34:51

Well seeing that /r/megarequests has only 54 subscribers, less than 5% of /r/megalinks, I don't think they should remove them right now. Maybe in the future when both subs have more subscribers and more posts
