AdjustableTableLamp | 29 points | May 26 2014 01:25:29

[META] No Game of Thrones episode today because of Memorial Day.


[-] kormer | 10 points | May 26 2014 01:36:48

My F5 key thanks you.


[-] kasajack | 6 points | May 26 2014 16:57:27

Why would you take a week off due to memorial day? As a Brit, I don't get it.

Edit = I mean skipping the Sunday broadcast of GOT


[-] CaffeineCoffee | 6 points | May 26 2014 18:24:18

As an American I don't get it either


[-] treesrdumb | 3 points | May 26 2014 18:41:09

It's an American company, primarily marketing to Americans. Many Americans use the Memorial Day holiday to go (gasp!) on holiday so it's not a big mystery.

Plus, HBO always shows military movies on Memorial Day weekend, usually reserving Prime Time slots for blockbusters like Saving Private Ryan or Band of Brothers.


[-] AGVann | 3 points | May 28 2014 04:21:28

Because they take a massive hit in ratings due to the amount of people away on holiday. For example, the Blackwater Bay episode in Season 2 - which they aired during the Memorial Day weekend - had one of the lowest viewer counts of the season despite being the climax of several plots and characters in the show.

Since then, they've skipped airing episodes during the Memorial Day weekend.


[-] kasajack | 2 points | May 28 2014 07:01:42

Thanks. I actually get an answer that's makes sense


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | May 26 2014 20:36:58

they do it everywhere... i never understood


[-] ducttapetricorn | 4 points | May 26 2014 15:23:31

I still love you, lamp.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | May 26 2014 02:03:40



[-] [deleted] | 2 points | May 26 2014 06:02:38

IMDB has Silicon valley listed as the 25th, but no episodes afterward so not sure what the go is with that..


[-] MegaMaikku | 1 points | May 31 2014 20:50:46

Irritating, but true. The Blackwater Bay episode was one of my favorites in the whole show. Alas, it went under appreciated due to the holidays. I'm glad they are not doing that with the upcoming episode; "The Mountain and the Viper."
I bet Oberyn is an amazing fighter...
