heatproofmatt | 16 points | Dec 17 2014 20:12:17

[request] can we please have a rule that requests should be self posts and only links to mega be allowed here.

its great that there is content here, but something feels wrong about linking to your own website with a donation button. im fine with requests being here as log as people arent spamming them.


[-] Hadam10Rose | 3 points | Dec 17 2014 23:50:21

I can see them not being main links (like it reads [TV] etc.) but I see no problem with them being in the comment section like someone says 'I have that, but it's not on Mega its on ....etc.' But request should fall onto the request section


[-] starbuck93 | 1 points | Dec 18 2014 05:13:39

If the comments had a link that said "this link right HERE has an ad, please click on it" and the main one went straight to mega.co.nz I'd be happy.


[-] scottydelta | 1 points | Dec 18 2014 19:00:09

suggestion taken.


[-] Amosqu | 1 points | Dec 23 2014 21:16:40

Definitely. Multiple links are not an excuse because istock file protector or something like that would solve it. And it also helps stop search engine indexers, like what heatproofmatt was complaining about earlier.


[-] scottydelta | -7 points | Dec 17 2014 20:23:25

If you guys want I can stop publishing my site links with mega links in it. and btw my site has a donation button(at the very bottom of website) in place of ads, please respect that.

PS: Most of the mega links(especially full seasons) are broken in multiple links/parts due to limitation in mega account which cannot be posted directly.


[-] MrKyleOwns | 12 points | Dec 17 2014 22:11:32

I was going to say we should give you the benefit of the doubt because after all at first glance your site looked like you put in a lot of time submitting links. Then I found a link to one of the movies that I know I submitted for this subreddit, not your website. Your making money off of other peoples links, and bringing more attention to the links that are supposed to be for this subreddit. I'm with Matt on this one.


[-] scottydelta | -1 points | Dec 18 2014 05:34:34

I had pulled content from reddit on 21st october to add some content on my site so that it didn't look empty, post that date, not a single link has been copied from reddit to my site.


[-] scottydelta | -1 points | Dec 18 2014 05:39:35

FYI, I am not making a single penny off my site, do you really think people donate? you are so mistaken on that part. I added the donate button just to bear the server cost if someone ever donated by mistake.


[-] Amosqu | 1 points | Dec 23 2014 21:17:20

Wait, so you have a paid account on mega?


[-] scottydelta | 0 points | Dec 24 2014 16:06:16

No, by server cost I meant running a t2.small instance on AWS.
