indigo6alpha | 21 points | Oct 28 2015 06:13:48

[MOVIE] Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015)!Ag1VCIha!29qRC6-J1B5BAgJ4bh4RyJgWWtKTXOq_GMoM10iIlp0


[-] pressbutton | 2 points | Oct 31 2015 01:33:30

1080p at 2.4G...


[-] Probate_Judge | 1 points | Nov 01 2015 03:52:51

That's impressive.... His 720 Walking Dead episodes are the same size, though they are up very fast.

Seriously though, that's not bad at all for a full movie at 1080. Smaller sizes can sacrifice a lot. (can't speak to quality here though).

Not complaining mind you, it's ok if you just want to keep up on it, but if you're storing them, another source may be better.


[-] gl1tchmob | 2 points | Dec 05 2015 06:53:57

Link is broken, any active link?
