indigo6alpha | 45 points | Dec 11 2015 03:44:50

[META][PSA] MEGA is removing files immediately after upload using file hash

Recently a few of MEGA links I'd posted here got taken down and that account was terminated. When I tried uploading the same files again onto a new MEGA account, the files weren't being displayed on the list even though the progress bar showed that the upload was successful. I tried every other method to upload the same file, and the same thing happened each time. So I guess MEGA has updated its anti-piracy measures and are deleting files using the hash associated with the files. I'm also observing that the DMCA takedowns are happening more frequently than before.


[-] rprebel | 21 points | Dec 11 2015 05:03:42

If you upload something to share here, compress it and one other file (like a small text file) into a zip first. That will keep the hash checkers from picking up on it.


[-] indigo6alpha | 7 points | Dec 11 2015 05:28:54

Yeah, I'm gonna do that from now on. But I'd have to create a new/different zip file each time a link gets taken down, which can get a bit tedious.


[-] Foxfyre | 4 points | Dec 11 2015 23:29:45

Probably not. You can edit files inside a zip. Just delete the text file out of it and put a different one. Or an image. Or whatever.


[-] burns__when__I__pee | 5 points | Dec 11 2015 05:32:29

That seems like the best thing to do.


[-] burns__when__I__pee | 7 points | Dec 11 2015 04:54:37

shit so is mega dying? or we might have someone here reporting thing.


[-] indigo6alpha | 11 points | Dec 11 2015 05:25:47

I think it's both. MEGA is employing strict measures to check piracy in check. So we'll see more files getting taken down faster. And there are copyright trolls lurking here on this sub, who report the links posted by others.


[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Dec 13 2015 12:35:45

A bit ironic, but quite possibly the only viable business move considering the amount of pressure DMCA has been putting down lately. I was gonna make a post requesting 2 movies that have been linked here in the past, specifically Ex Machina and Transcendence, but if you've got your hands tied up currently, I can wait patiently for all this to be resolved.

I'm not sure exactly how much you'd be interested in what I have to offer in return, but I've compiled about 450mb worth of studies in .pdf format relating to the chemistry and pharmacology of novel chemical structures. I haven't read through every line to be certain of the scientific validity of everything contained, but the overwhelming majority I've read through has been very thorough and credible with only a few minor errors here and there, plus the ones I haven't read came from a credible source. FYI, I uploaded this previously and it has not been affected by MEGA's cleaning house, for whatever that bit of info is worth to you. Thanks for your contributions.


[-] indigo6alpha | 2 points | Dec 13 2015 15:16:28

Here you go: Transcendence 1080p Ex Machina 1080p.

Not to be rude, but I'm not really interested in getting anything in return. :) But what you've compiled sounds interesting, so you might wanna post it to the sub's main page. Others might find it helpful.

This post was just to let people know that MEGA has introduced a new anti-piracy measure. DMCA was always a problem for this sub and its readers, and it always will be. But people who post stuff here, including me, will continue to do so regardless of these new developments.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Dec 13 2015 19:58:14

Thank you very much and not rude at all :D Though my areas of interest and communities are different, they are similar enough that I can empathize with you and say thanks for pushing forward, no matter the bullshit; we're similar-minded people.

I would like to openly share my collection, but I feel a bit more responsibility because, like anything relating to chemistry, the wrong person could seriously harm themselves if they don't understand what they are doing. I'm only keeping/growing the collection as a backup because several sites dedicated to it have been taken down over the years and there is a saying in my circles "if the information is useful to you, you'll know how to find it anyway." So with that disclaimer, here's the link and this is as far as I feel comfortable promoting it:!IEEmTCSR!SgQotZzcQXyEj9gLJt0JJw


[-] c1AriTy_ | 2 points | Dec 15 2015 09:51:47

This is like Walter white stuff right?


[-] burns__when__I__pee | 2 points | Dec 11 2015 05:32:02



[-] armornick | 3 points | Dec 11 2015 13:18:09

I understand your feelings, but they are not assholes for not wanting to get in trouble with copyright trolls. It's sort-of the law.


[-] qwertx0815 | 3 points | Dec 12 2015 09:45:45

i think he meant the copyright trolls


[-] sirin3 | 1 points | Dec 16 2015 22:50:41

Dotcom said the NZ government has seized MEGA months ago


[-] Tapemaster21 | 5 points | Dec 11 2015 11:59:35

Didn't like mega that much anyway. /r/demonsaw is cooler. This whole subreddit should use demonsaw really. Decentralized encrypted file sharing + chat and more features to come in the future.


[-] indigo6alpha | 2 points | Dec 11 2015 14:20:53

Came across that a few weeks ago. Looks really cool. They've done an awesome job with the UI, really easy to use. It can be a good alternative to MEGA.


[-] claydavisismyhero | 2 points | Dec 11 2015 22:11:45

pardon the noob question, just another torrent? mega is how i can actually avoid isp from freaking out about downloads


[-] Tapemaster21 | 1 points | Dec 11 2015 22:42:36

Nope, it's decentralized encrypted file sharing. It disguises traffic as encrypted http. It would look just like you were DDLing.


[-] claydavisismyhero | 1 points | Dec 11 2015 22:47:35

the other big question is are people posting stuff and is it easily findable like it is here?


[-] Tapemaster21 | 1 points | Dec 11 2015 23:22:33

There are people on here with some nice collections. I haven't really looked for much myself though.


[-] claydavisismyhero | 1 points | Dec 12 2015 00:08:06

worth a shot thanks


[-] c1AriTy_ | 1 points | Dec 15 2015 09:55:11

wow, TIL !, Thanks


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Dec 13 2015 01:09:55

Where's Kim Dotcom's new cloud storage


[-] BuildMineSurvive | 1 points | Dec 11 2015 05:33:57

if this gets really bad, are there any alternateive websites that are as good and free as mega? and how can do this when people that legally bought and backed up a video on mega for safekeeping, would just get removed?

can you legally backup a copyrighted video to online storage?


[-] indigo6alpha | 1 points | Dec 11 2015 06:11:49

are there any alternateive websites that are as good and free as mega

I'm afraid not. AFAIK, there are no other cloud storage services which provides 50 GB free storage and end-to-end encryption.


[-] mlake9 | 1 points | Dec 11 2015 06:42:51

Just zip the files you upload and intend to share publicly and include a small text file, that'll make it essentially undetectable.


[-] armornick | 1 points | Dec 11 2015 13:19:17

Doesn't it also work when you make a file password protected? I thought that changes the hash too.


[-] ireshine | 1 points | Dec 11 2015 18:14:29

shouldn't a small change, change the HASH? If so, cant you just change the metadata


[-] indigo6alpha | 1 points | Dec 11 2015 18:37:43

I can, but like I mentioned in the other comment, it can get a bit tedious.


[-] atomicliver | 0 points | Dec 11 2015 14:05:47

I frequent a site that uses this service like Mega. Use a translator to read it, but the links stay up for a very long time. I don't think the Russians much care for DMCA LOL.


[-] [deleted] | -6 points | Dec 11 2015 07:16:13



[-] armornick | 5 points | Dec 11 2015 09:43:06

Any suggestions for alternative MEGA sharing sites?


[-] Jaques_Naurice | 3 points | Dec 11 2015 14:42:56

If more people would use ist:
