jorg3234 | 29 points | Apr 13 2016 06:28:50

[Game] Dark Souls III V 1.0.3!5QcHHQBA!yCfMb_RofaNR9Rs0zY3sdhNZhGEKcXSVS3dMtkl7MP4


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Apr 26 2016 02:14:12



[-] jorg3234 | 1 points | Apr 26 2016 04:58:07

[-] jorg3234 | 1 points | Apr 26 2016 04:58:35



[-] GoodYear2016 | 0 points | Apr 14 2016 07:04:23

Hey. I installed this on my laptop last night and the starting cinematic and character set up worked fine but as soon as I started at the ash cemetery, the game lagged so much that i couldnt turn around properly, even on the lowest settings with almost everything off. Can you please help me? DS2 SOTFS worked perfectly on high, so I believe my laptop should be able to handle this game.


[-] jorg3234 | 1 points | Apr 14 2016 07:47:13

What are your laptop's specs? My PC has a GTX 950 and an FX8320 and every time I die and respawn (every 3 seconds) My frame rate takes a dump. I think this is just another case of a bad console port. Dark Souls 1 ran like shit without DSFix, and I couldn't speak for DS2, as I haven't played it. People are saying that it's badly optimized. Did you restart your game after applying the settings?


[-] GoodYear2016 | 0 points | Apr 14 2016 08:12:49

CPU is an i7 running at 2,4GHz; 6GB RAM; 2GB NVidia GT720 graphics. According to one of the sites I visited its over the minimum requirements. I read that restarting after putting it in windowed mode and turning down the quality fixed it for some people but it hasn't worked for me. Guess I'll have to wait for a patch or keep trying


[-] jorg3234 | 1 points | Apr 15 2016 00:27:52

Yikes, a GT720? Are you on a laptop?


[-] GoodYear2016 | 1 points | Apr 15 2016 13:21:14

Yep, over estimated it though. I played DS2 SOTFS yesterday, better than nothing right.


[-] jorg3234 | 1 points | Apr 15 2016 14:36:03

Yep, guess so


[-] Uniacc1234 | 1 points | Apr 14 2016 16:12:34

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Then simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, scroll down as far as possibe (hint:use RES), and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top.


[-] [deleted] | -2 points | Apr 13 2016 21:08:09



[-] jorg3234 | 1 points | Apr 13 2016 21:13:11

All you have to do is download it and extract it, and then run SmartSteamLoader.exe :)


[-] WhatWhatInTheTwat | 1 points | Apr 16 2016 04:50:21

Is there any danger of getting banned from steam for this?


[-] jorg3234 | 1 points | Apr 16 2016 04:51:32

No, as it never actually comes into contact with steam. If you're afraid you'll get banned, just close out of steam before playing.


[-] [deleted] | -2 points | Apr 13 2016 21:15:07



[-] jorg3234 | 1 points | Apr 13 2016 21:17:04

It emulates Steam, serves as the games crack. Has achievements and everything. The mega link has everything you need in it. What games do you want?


[-] [deleted] | -3 points | Apr 13 2016 21:26:58



[-] jorg3234 | 1 points | Apr 13 2016 21:32:06

Well these don't run on steam, they are cracked games, so the online mode won't work most of the time. I'll PM you about the games
