andyk_ | 2 points | Apr 29 2016 07:21:04

[QUESTION] Downloading through MegaSync

Hi everyone, Is there a way I can download folders through MegaSync? For Example;!m4tGiRpC!Xrjkx5CGtLnZBAhzyW1LhA I cant download this as it's too big from my browser (Runs out of HTML5 space) and too big for Incognito. When it's a single file I can click on a button saying download through MegaSync, but not when they are presented in Folders like this. Am I missing something? Thanks for your help


[-] SpatialWheel | 2 points | Apr 29 2016 08:00:23

I had this problem the other day. The way i got around this was to add the whole folder to my mega drive then in the megasync app click download from mega and you can choose what is in your drive.


[-] DODOKING38 | 1 points | Apr 29 2016 07:59:29

The megasync button never worked for me either import it and putting it the megasync folder is one way since it syncs with your computer automatically

Or if it is a video megasync has the the option to stream from you cloud drive you don't even need to download it


[-] Richtofen-72 | 1 points | Apr 29 2016 09:01:32

"Incognito" means you're on chrome. So, download the MEGA extension through the chrome app store. That'll give you as much space as you want for downloads.


[-] SquirreI | 1 points | Apr 30 2016 20:59:49

Icognito can only take about 400mb before it stops you from downloading. Normal browsing mode or the extension allows you to download more. I've never had a problem if I import it to my cloud drive though
