Lego349 | 18 points | May 17 2016 21:57:58

[META] I wrote a potential Sidebar and Rules List for the sub as well as some goals going forward. Feedback and discussion welcome.

So, since the community here as a whole seems to be becoming more active, and we have some active mods now as well, I took it upon myself, after seeing and posting in the suggestions thread, to write out a Statement of Purpose, Sidebar Rules, as well as Projects Going Forward list. I would encourage discussion, suggestions, criticisms, and moderator input, etc and look forward to this sub becoming an even better place going forward. Check it out.


r/megalinks sidebar

Statement of Purpose: /r/megalinks is a subreddit dedicated to the sharing of any and all forms of media through MEGA download links. Users can both post direct download links to MEGA files, or make requests for media or files they would like to be posted.


Sidebar Rules:

*1. All posts must contain an opening tag, indicating the type of post. Posts containing download links must identify the type of media available ie [TV] [MOVIE] [DISCOGRAPHY] etc. All posts requesting a download link must start with [REQUEST]. Any and all other types of posts must start with a [META] tag.

*2. Submissions of media must contain a link a MEGA download. Any new media posts not containing a MEGA link as outlined below will be removed. Links can be submitted one of four ways:

  1. A direct link to the folder through a link (note: all links that do not contain the .co will be automatically removed and asked to be resubmitted.) This method is preferred and should be prioritized.
  2. A text post link in the textbox of your post, containing and directly linking to the MEGA download.

*3. Media submission must contain AT LEAST the following information

  1. An appropriate tag denoting the type of media contained in the link([TV], [MOVIE], [SOFTWARE], etc)
  2. The title of the media or what exactly it is (Game of thrones, S3E1, Green Street Hooligans, etc)
  3. The display resolution or quality if unavailable (1080p, 1080i, 720p, Camcorder, BLURayRip 420p, etc)
  4. Size of Download (768 mb, 1.2gb, 17.8gb, etc)
  5. All other information (compression quality, convertor used, program or viewer compatibility, sound quality, file type) is optional, but always encouraged.

*4. Requests should be made only AFTER having used the subreddit's search function for the thing you are requesting.

  1. If what you have requested has been previously posted, but the link is now dead, you may include ALD (All Links Dead) in your request title
  2. If what you have requested has been previously posted, but you would like it in a different format or quality, you may include the specific information in your request as well
  3. NOTE: While there is a subreddit called /r/megarequests, it is not necessary for a requester to post there. Requests are allowed in /r/megalinks.

*5. Any media that can be transferred through a MEGA download link is available to be requested. Conversely, any media that can be uploaded to a MEGA folder can be posted.

*6. While not required, users posting numerous episodes of the same show one after another, should consider putting the links into one mega post containing the links in the text box.


Projects Moving Forward:

  1. A reliable system with which to report dead or defunct links
  2. A Requested/Delivered flair system, similar to /r/outoftheloop Unanswered/Answered flair system
  3. A subreddit filtering system (mainly to filter on/off request posts, but in the future, be able to search by tags.)
  4. A sticky schedule. Recommendations:
  5. Weekly GoT sticky on Sunday to get all the GoT links in one place (or perhaps even an HBO sunday Sticky?)
  6. A weekly Re-Request Sticky (a second chance to have your request fulfilled.)
  7. Perhaps a State of the Sub discussion sticky? Things you would like to see more of? How are the rules working out? Suggestions for sticky threads? Do you like the CSS, etc.
  8. An identification of active/present mods so that the “My links are getting removed, hey we have a problem, oh wait do we even have an active mods” debacle doesn’t get repeated.

EDIT: Removed third party link protectors and link shorteners as viable submission options for media for safety of downloaders.


[-] UltraMegaMegaMan | 5 points | May 18 2016 00:13:19

There is no need for url shorteners and 3rd party websites. They shouldn't be used or allowed.

Several people (myself included) had already come forward and posted all the reasons for this and the downsides here

but then the post was deleted and comments removed. I have no idea what, if anything, anyone else can see at that link. I can only see my comment and one other.

All of this looks fine except for link shorteners and 3rd party sites, which are unnecessary and put people at risk of malware or worse. I don't think anyone here, mods included, should be recommending or endorsing 3rd party, untrusted sites especially anything that involves adding paypal accounts or debit cards.

Safety comes first.


[-] Lego349 | 1 points | May 18 2016 00:43:32

Amendment made.


[-] spokemusic | 1 points | May 18 2016 02:08:00


What is this?


[-] Probate_Judge | 2 points | May 18 2016 07:40:53

Weekly GoT sticky on Sunday to get all the GoT links in one place (or perhaps even an HBO sunday Sticky?)

I would consider that for Walking Dead as well, when it's back on this fall. Maybe AAA blockbusters just hitting DVD as well

NOTE: While there is a subreddit called /r/megarequests, it is not necessary for a requester to post there. Requests are allowed in /r/megalinks

Good. >:(

I've seen a lot of answering of those requests here, or if not answers, a new post obviously inspired by the request, while that and other request subs are often long strings of unanswered prayers.

I like that we're a community that helps eachother out mostly.

I also like the Re-request sticky idea. It answers that old question, "How long do I have to wait before requesting again" (because you know stuff can wash off the first page rather quickly...not saying repetition is ok, but the urge to ask again is present)

A flair/tag/filter system for [request], once the flair system works, would be a good deal.


I would possibly suggest a standard codec/container instruction guide as well for those that are providing very fresh content, EG GoT Walkign Dead a mere hour after being on the air(assuming some of our people are the ones doing the capture/rips). I've had some episodic content from a show last season end up being what amounts to bad files when I tried to stick them on my portable hard-drive. I even re-downloaded them to a different location because I thought it was my drives screwing up, same errors during playback and windows even had issues copy/pasting whole files. I have a suspicion that the encodes from that contributor(or their source) just happen to be highly susceptible to over-time bit-rot or damage during the encode. There's a reason the scene groups have big rules guidelines for that sort of thing for movie releases. I'd mention it to the linker, but it is now months down the road and defensive people would just argue and it would devolve into an non-productive mess.

If we're not the ones doing captures/rips, maybe a request that the files are well reviewed/vetted before sharing or something, to limit how far and wide bad files get flung.


[-] vcdupper | 1 points | May 17 2016 22:41:27

This sounds good to me hopefully some other mods will make an appearance soon and we can talk about it,this looks very good :)


[-] possumlodgemember | 1 points | May 20 2016 16:57:53

I have two comments, first, a question: can a seasoned uploader put together a quick guide on uploading? I've been collecting kids shows for the last few weeks and I would like to start uploading them in packs.

Second, a suggestion. I enjoy the "He's Dead, Jim!" link indicators over on r/opendirectories. Perhaps we can do that here?


[-] [deleted] | -2 points | May 18 2016 14:21:51



[-] MarkoWolf | 2 points | May 18 2016 14:29:33

A little bummed seeing you view it as a negative stigma. If it has an [ANIME] tag or something of that nature, what difference does it make?
