vcdupper | 20 points | Jun 05 2016 04:55:34

[MOVIE] X-Men Apocalypse 2016 HD-TC Digital Audio x264-CPG |2.23GB|

Beautiful copy, Hardcoded Subs








[-] SubZorro | 2 points | Jun 05 2016 04:57:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] paultitude | 2 points | Jun 05 2016 19:15:36

I really enjoyed this movie. Thank you once again


[-] Richtofen-72 | 1 points | Jun 05 2016 06:20:30

Not sure if video quality is genuinely as good as yesterday's but I bet the audio is centred, so maybe that's a plus.


[-] possumlodgemember | 1 points | Jun 05 2016 13:46:30

At some point, hopefully a scene group pulls the video from yesterday's post and pairs it with this audio.


[-] carlthescorp | 2 points | Jun 06 2016 21:20:26

you could always watch one file and use the audio from another, you can use "j" and "k" while watching the video if there is audio lag or if it's too fast


[-] Deflat | 1 points | Jun 05 2016 18:09:32

So I've been subbed here for a while but I haven't done anything. If I download this, will I get a letter from my service provider? I tend to get one whenever I use or pirate Bay.


[-] kleinergruenerkaktus | 3 points | Jun 05 2016 19:49:35

You are downloading a file directly from mega, you are not sending data to other users, which is the case using torrents like on piratebay. It's highly unlikely anyone could acquire your IP to identify you.


[-] Deflat | 1 points | Jun 06 2016 14:54:09

That's awesome. Thanks.


[-] Richtofen-72 | 1 points | Jun 05 2016 22:44:11

Basically what the other user said. Also, end-to-end encryption so they can't identify the files.


[-] Moreyouknow | 1 points | Jun 19 2016 01:03:35

The only way I see that as possible is if megalinks is somehow compromised by the fbi and you download from site while fbi has control over it's content. Otherwise you are fine.


[-] Ellis__ | 1 points | Jun 08 2016 03:35:26

Anyone with a Re-up?
