vcdupper | 20 points | Jun 11 2016 15:33:30



[-] tairoom_fayaz | 8 points | Jun 11 2016 16:53:36

It was my understanding that 4k was even better than 1080p. So how come this is in 720p and still 4k. Please explain it. Becasue I was hoping to get a 4k copy of revenant and so far what i have found is only 2k but that too consisted of 20~25 gb of data.


[-] Richtofen-72 | 6 points | Jun 12 2016 01:44:44

It's converted down to 720p from a 2160p source. The 2160p, or "4k", blu-ray has better quality than the original 1080p blu-ray. This copy is 720p, not 1080p, but is higher quality than any other 720p copy because the source is of higher quality.


[-] tairoom_fayaz | 2 points | Jun 12 2016 02:14:57

Thanks for clearing it up


[-] roughavoc | 2 points | Jun 11 2016 20:15:29

Check 2ddl, the version they have is 45GB, 45k bitrate and for some reasons is a lot more contrasty and saturated than the previous 35GB 1080p version I had


[-] tairoom_fayaz | 1 points | Jun 12 2016 02:14:25

yeah i will check that thankyou


[-] vcdupper | 6 points | Jun 11 2016 17:18:06

This is the explanation from the encoder,

Size/File ...: 1.2GiB | .mkv
Source ......: 2160p.UHD.BluRay.FLAC.7.1.x264-NTb (41 GB)
Video .......: AVC | 1280x534 1 067 Kbps
Audio .......: 2CH AAC
Subtitles ...: English, Indonesian softcoded
Chapters ....: Yes
Runtime .....: 2h 36mn
Subscene link: Indonesian, English
Note ........: The UHD Blu-ray shows much more range. HD Blu-ray (1080p) is way too bright and lacks saturation. UHD transfer has more detail and better color in overall also less banding. Source was captured from 4K transfer using lossless capture card. Thank you, NTb. Comparison between them can be found [here] (


[-] tairoom_fayaz | 2 points | Jun 12 2016 02:15:49

Thanks for pointing out the difference.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Jun 11 2016 15:34:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
