mikewilzn | 17 points | Jul 15 2016 22:03:07

[Offer] Is Anyone interest in a lossless Upload of star Wars: The Force Awakens?

I just ripped my copy of Star Wars: TFA to my computer with MakeMKV and haven't touched it all with Handbrake or anything. Here's info about the file which is 36.6 GB (39,311,878,591 bytes). It'll take a while to upload that's why I'm asking first.

Edit: Due to my slow internet the file won't be up for grabs for maybe a week or so.


[-] vcdupper | 8 points | Jul 15 2016 23:01:33

Yes please


[-] mikewilzn | 15 points | Jul 16 2016 00:04:48

Sounds good. I'll start uploading tomorrow morning. If you guys are interested in this, I could start doing a weekly or bi-weekly upload of lossless Blu-ray rips. I have a pretty good bluray collection.


[-] SpatialWheel | 3 points | Jul 16 2016 04:05:36

That would be greatly appreciated. What others do you plan on uploading?


[-] mikewilzn | 8 points | Jul 16 2016 04:18:00

I can upload the whole Star Wars Saga. And as far as other movies, off the top of my head (I'm at the beach right now that's why I can't start the upload until tomorrow) I have every Fast and Furious movie, Jurassic World, Deadpool, The Matrix Trilogy, V for Vendetta, The Avengers, Batman Begins, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Wolverine, X-men First Class, a few James Bond movies, a few of the Harry Potter movies, Constantine, Transporter 1 & 2, and some others that I can't remember. I will upload based on want. All of those are bluray btw.


[-] LamaLaw | 1 points | Jul 16 2016 10:42:47

I requested the Matrix a few days ago. It'd be great if you could upload the 3 movies :)


[-] SpatialWheel | 1 points | Jul 16 2016 13:16:06

Could you upload the avengers whenever you have the time?


[-] mikewilzn | 2 points | Jul 16 2016 14:10:34



[-] VaporImitation | 1 points | Jul 16 2016 20:16:40

Would be interested in the Lord of the Ring Trilogy if extended ver.

thanks a lot for whatever you'll end up ripping/uploading, it being LoTR or not :)


[-] mikewilzn | 1 points | Jul 16 2016 20:27:27

That's probably next on my list along with the Matrix Trilogy. It is LoTR Extended. Are you interested in the extra content as well?


[-] tbx5959 | 2 points | Jul 16 2016 20:29:48

A separate upload with the extra content would be awesome


[-] VaporImitation | 1 points | Jul 16 2016 20:43:57

I thought they just repackaged the same DVDs from back in the day in the new Bluray releases. But upon looking it up, seems to be the case, but seems they also included a new "Behind the Scene" DVD for each film, which I'd be interested in. (I already own the other DVDs, so I personnaly have no interest in those (the 2 part DVD documentary per film thing)) but those extras being DVDs would mean you need to take the time to encode those from MPEG2 DVD format to MPEG4 H264 :\


[-] mikewilzn | 2 points | Jul 16 2016 21:11:35

Yeah it has bonus features and behind the scenes on dvd


[-] Frodo_Bomb | 1 points | Sep 11 2016 16:27:41

Jurassic World in lossless quality would be much appreciated. Hard to find on here. Really any of these movies would be awesome to have in lossless.


[-] SpatialWheel | 6 points | Jul 15 2016 22:25:25

I would download this if you uploaded it


[-] SpatialWheel | 2 points | Jul 19 2016 01:27:59

When do you think this might be uploaded?


[-] Vepanion | 2 points | Jul 24 2016 18:41:11

So, where is it, /u/mikewilzn ? I just got the reminder from the bot!


[-] mikewilzn | 1 points | Jul 24 2016 20:09:16

The upload is still in the process


[-] Vepanion | 1 points | Jul 24 2016 20:24:55

Great! Never should have doubted you!


[-] mikewilzn | 1 points | Jul 26 2016 01:03:18



[-] VaporImitation | 1 points | Jul 16 2016 19:36:38

would you consider a high quality HEVC encode ? (half of your h264 size would sound about "right") was wondering about this today, had the full iso at release but was too big to keep.


[-] mikewilzn | 2 points | Jul 16 2016 19:44:22

Unfortunately I know almost nothing about different codecs and how to encode stuff but if you want to download my upload you could encode it yourself. Or someone else can do it.

Perhaps I could look into encoding and such at some point but my life is pretty busy right now so I don't really have time.


[-] VaporImitation | 1 points | Jul 16 2016 20:13:28

Don't worry, that would be fine as is too :) (I know next to nothing about it also, just once tried encoding a 1.4Gb tv series file (720p, 43mins, very grainy) turned into a ~700Mb file with comparable quality, used Handbrake and this (there's not that much to it, would just fine tune presets, like constant quality to somewhere between 23 and 15, I check the outputted file size)) It's just that I didn't spot anywhere a lossless/near lossless HEVC/x265 release, so I thought I'd ask^^

(I might do that but my computer is really slow, would probably take a couple of days to encode, also DSL is asymetrical (upload speed sucks) here in France, no way I could upload it back)


[-] mortendolph | 1 points | Jul 21 2016 08:55:45

RemindMe! 72 Hours "look for upload"


[-] RemindMeBot | 1 points | Jul 21 2016 08:56:28

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[-] mortendolph | 1 points | Jul 24 2016 18:43:21

RemindMe! 96 Hours "look for upload"


[-] mikewilzn | 1 points | Jul 26 2016 01:32:18

