ruralcricket | 13 points | Jul 16 2016 21:51:24

[Request] Sherlock Holmes (1984-1994) Jeremy Brett TV show 720p or better

This was requested 5 months ago with no response, perhaps someone has it now. It seems like the BBC shows are rarely available.


[-] age_of_cage | 1 points | Jul 17 2016 16:56:51

It wasn't a BBC show and I'd be very surprised if HD versions were available.


[-] OmNyomNyom | 1 points | Jul 17 2016 18:05:10

It's already available on youtube:


[-] age_of_cage | 1 points | Jul 17 2016 18:07:58

Colour me surprised, I wouldn't have thought they'd have their shit together enough for a proper Blu Ray release but apparently there was one.


[-] ruralcricket | 1 points | Jul 17 2016 20:36:13

This video contains content from MPI Media, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. :( USA
