TheChosenFool | 15 points | Aug 28 2016 01:06:26

[GAME] Mount and Blade!uc8VhACb


[-] TheChosenFool | 5 points | Aug 28 2016 01:07:41

Key: !LJmM_eTMHTAa5yXnUabi7aolKSCj1-y6CRfvPA6LQ8Y

Also if enough people want mount and blade warband I can upload that later.


[-] hotrains12 | 1 points | Aug 29 2016 14:07:46

Can you please upload Warband?


[-] ireallywonderhowlong | 1 points | Oct 04 2016 23:27:48

Hey you still got warband


[-] [deleted] | 4 points | Aug 28 2016 04:00:29

This is frequently 99 cents on steam for those who like it


[-] zsregxtcyvbuyinlolxt | 1 points | Aug 28 2016 11:32:53

or similar prices all the time on instantgaming /kinguin /g2a for those who don't want to wait


[-] jodorowsthesky | 3 points | Aug 28 2016 12:10:43

i wouldn't support g2a and their fishy ass politics.mount and blade franchise is an unpolished gem.if you can afford wearing trousers,you can afford paying two or three bucks for an awesome game


[-] zsregxtcyvbuyinlolxt | 1 points | Aug 28 2016 12:18:56

when you buy m&b /warband for 2$ on g2a they get the same amount of money as if you'd buy it for 1$ on steam, because the key you get was bought during sales but yeah I get your point


[-] 0xfaa | 4 points | Aug 28 2016 18:08:00

No. Keys on g2a are purchased with stolen credit cards or in regions where games are much cheaper. Buy from steam if you want to support the dev


[-] zsregxtcyvbuyinlolxt | 3 points | Aug 29 2016 11:43:05

most keys come from regions where games are cheaper or are bought during sales. The "stolen credit card" theory doesn't really work when you see sellers with over a million keys sold. You can do something like this once or twice but you just can't use stolen credit cards 10 000 times without getting caught, the volume is simply too big.

If you get a steam key, the game was bought on steam at some point, meaning the devs will get money.

They'll get less if you buy it for 5€ on g2a or kinguin than if you were to buy it for 5€ on steam of course, but buying it $1 on sale or $2 on G2A makes no difference for them, since the 2$ key was originally bought for $1.

If really want to support a game, you can buy it full price but sometimes there are games that you aren't willing to pay $40 for, but you're okay with something like $25, which means the devs will get the same thing as if you had bought it yourself for $20 on steam.

steam keys don't appear out of thin air on g2a or instantgaming, they were bought somewhere at some point (for thess than the retail price of course)


[-] jodorowsthesky | 1 points | Aug 29 2016 20:45:20

exactly.exploiting the discounts for lower income regions is just an awful thing to do
