shorpipo | 19 points | Sep 18 2016 18:14:20

[TV] SomeMothersDoAveEm.1973.s1-s3.x265!QssDQLwb


[-] waldorfsalad909 | 5 points | Sep 18 2016 20:06:40

As a big fan of British comedy, I really appreciate the quality stuff you've been uploading. Thank you, and keep it coming!


[-] shorpipo | 4 points | Sep 18 2016 18:14:35

Key @

Frank Spencer is more than just a complete klutz. Everything he touches falls apart, and he can't keep a job for more than a day. The only thing that keeps him going is his long-suffering wife Betty, who somehow manages to cope with his disaster-prone life-style.

Interestingly, Michael Crawford performed all his own stunts. When performing stunts, he usually wore gloves, so if he suddenly appears wearing them, a stunt is usually about to follow. For this reason, there sometimes appear to be continuity errors (no gloves/gloves/no gloves).


[-] asim_riz | 3 points | Sep 18 2016 22:01:20

Man u seriously rock !
