indigo6alpha | 49 points | Sep 30 2016 06:06:55

[PSA] There will be a stickied megathread for Luke Cage - Season 1

Luke Cage S01 will drop in approximately an hour. Like we saw with Daredevil S02, the episodes show up on torrents one by one (and there will be various qualities/resolutions), so I thought it would make sense to have a stickied thread with the updated links. People can still create link/text posts for the individual episodes if they want. This is just help people find the links easily in one place.

Do you guys think this is a good idea? PM me or comment here, any concerns/opinions you may have.


[-] prometheus371 | 5 points | Sep 30 2016 06:27:11

Awesome idea!! no running around like headless chickens to find episodes!!


[-] ImmenseFox | 3 points | Sep 30 2016 06:59:18

Pretty decent idea. Will be better then waiting daily for episodes to appear onto Torrent websites like it was for Daredevil S02 and Jessica Jones S01.
