shorpipo | 2 points | Oct 03 2016 17:57:08

[TV] Pulling.2006.s1-s2.x265!OZ42jTBK


[-] MikeWashington | 5 points | Oct 04 2016 08:49:19

Here's the finale special:!ERhCjASa

And the code:



[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Oct 04 2016 13:13:45

I've wanted to see this for years! Thank you. This show was great. Horgan is the tops.


[-] shorpipo | 1 points | Oct 04 2016 20:45:53



[-] FredDerfman | 2 points | Oct 04 2016 04:14:01

Thanks very much for this. Do you happen to have the one hour series finale from 2009?


[-] shorpipo | 1 points | Oct 03 2016 17:57:19

Key @

Donna has a drunken revelation on her hen night and decides that she has been missing out on the single life. So with just days to go, she calls off her wedding to fiancé Karl and moves in with her two best friends - Karen, an irresponsible primary school teacher, and Louise, a hopelessly romantic waitress. Will Donna find what she is looking for? Or will she find that the grass isn't always greener on the other side? Including a supporting cast of weird and wonderful ensemble characters, we follow the three girls as they try to navigate their way through the pitfalls of every day life, with frequently hilarious consequences.

Scandalously cancelled after only two series, there is a single episode of series 3 that exists and ties up a lot of loose ends, but I've never been able to find it so if you have it, share it.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Oct 03 2016 18:02:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
