Dude036 | 15 points | Oct 08 2016 02:18:48

[Ebooks] The Sword of Shannara Trilogy

LINK | KEY: !Ec_iaXSVGv0t3XQML5Cpnw

3 Formats per books: Epub, Mobi, and Pdf.


[-] Mateking | 3 points | Oct 08 2016 23:31:16

While it is nice to see the share I would like to offer my opinion on the first book as a warning. I thought it was not a good read. I read the first 2 books and was disappointed by the writing style especially the frequency of the use of the word awesome surprised me. The world is very interesting but the story seems to lack creativity. But then again a lot of fantasy does(almost everything can be traced back to tolkien)


[-] MassiveBallacks | 1 points | Oct 09 2016 17:26:48

I like fantasy so I was going give the TV show a go and then read the books if I liked it. I'll keep this in mind, thanks for the feedback!


[-] Mateking | 2 points | Oct 10 2016 14:21:05

Yes that was my approach too. Keep in mind that the series is based on book 2. Which I didn't dislike as much but still not liked(I was hoping for it to get better)


[-] MassiveBallacks | 1 points | Oct 11 2016 00:51:49

Gotcha. I'm always annoyed after reading bad books. When I'd rather stop, I just feel that after investing so much time in it that I should finish it. But I know I'm just gonna be disappointed in the end every time -_-
