shorpipo | 12 points | Oct 09 2016 16:14:58

[TV] TheGoodLife.1975.s1-s4.x265!iZp2zYIZ


[-] shorpipo | 2 points | Oct 09 2016 16:15:05

Key @

On his 40th birthday Tom Good decides that he's had enough of the rat race and that he and wife Barbara will become self-sufficient. The pair convert their garden into a farm, get in the pigs and chickens, grow their own crops and on one memorable occasion, try to dye their own wool with nettles.

Tom and Barbara would just be lone loons were it not for their neighbours, the henpecked Jerry Leadbetter and wife Margot, a social climber who cannot bear chickens wandering the back garden. The Good Life attacked the middle class and the 'alternative' lifestyle at once, showing Margot's snobbishness as blindness, and Tom's fanatical self-sufficiency as going too far.

Examples of Tom's pursuit of natural alternatives leading down the wrong path include his attempts to make a methane-powered car that continually breaks down, as well as the problems Barbara and Tom have trying to kill their chicken, forcing them through pride to make a 'sumptuous feast' of a single egg.

The Good Life was remarkable for the consistent characterisation. Though initially dominated by Tom, Barbara was soon balancing his mad schemes with pragmatism and comforting his occasional lapses into depression. Jerry's mocking derision of Tom's step sideways become grudging respect, and even snobbish Margot was human and real.

This show is called 'Good Neighbors' in the USA.


[-] woofwoo | 2 points | Oct 10 2016 00:38:53

Loving all these classic Brit-Coms. Great work! Do you have the excellent, though very underappreciated, ITV comedy Watching (1987-1993) starring Emma Wray & Paul Bown? That was one of my favourites, but seems sadly forgotten now. Thanks again!
