shorpipo | 9 points | Oct 19 2016 17:16:29

[TV] Miranda.2009.s1-s4.x265!NoNlCA6A


[-] crediblevests | 3 points | Oct 19 2016 21:40:50

This show is such fun. Really farcical in the vein of the Lloyd and Croft Britcoms of the 70s-90s. One of my faves. Everyone should download and watch at least the pilot!


[-] shorpipo | 2 points | Oct 19 2016 17:16:34

Key @

Written by and starring Miranda Hart, the show revolves around the endless difficulties Miranda manages to get herself into. At over 6 feet tall (and sometimes mistaken for a man) she has never fitted in with her old boarding school friends and finds social situations awkward, especially around men. She is a constant disappointment to her mother who is desperate for her to get a proper job and a husband. Although Miranda owns and lives above her own joke shop and boutique, she lacks any real capacity for business so it is managed by her childhood friend Stevie.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Oct 19 2016 17:19:10

Subtitles for this movie:

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