Hadam10Rose | 68 points | Oct 25 2016 04:17:16

[Meta] How Mega Works, Different Link Types (A Newbie Must Read)

So, everyone that Post here knows by now that if you use a straight link, aka one click and you're on Mega.nz, the link will be taken down by Copyright bots very fast, sometimes within 24 hours. So people changed the way they post links.

Type 1 ) Some still use the post a link in the title so if you click the name, for example things vcdupper used to post would take you to the link and you would have to comeback for the key.

If you are having this problem, click the comment section, posters of this type of link will post the key in the comment section.

Type 2) Some uploaders will post both the Link and the Key into the discussion thread of the post,

This one is easy, copy the key before you push the link button. Or if it's not a live Link (aka one that is Blue) then copy the link into a new tab, past and then come back to the previous tab and copy the key.

Type 3) Some people like to change the mega.nz/#Example to abcd.nz/#Example and also use a key.

Open a new tab and paste the link in the address bar, before you hit go, change the abcd to mega then hit go. Then you'll have to go back and grab the key from the previous tab.

Type 4) This is the one I will more often then not post. This link, if you have the add on for Chorme or Firefox. Just copy the links as is and past them into the address bar. But if you don't have these add-ons or you're using a phone it is very simple to get these links.

instead of mega: then only copy the #Example part of the link (AKA mega:#Example) and type into your address bar mega.nz/ and paste the #Example part.

These 4 easy steps should help everyone out who comes here looking for free content and not have to deal with Link Share sites.


[-] harsh20483 | 5 points | Oct 25 2016 06:00:13

Is there a download limit on mega? As in, how much data you can download at a time?


[-] ruralcricket | 9 points | Oct 25 2016 06:17:17

Yes, it seems variable as the warning states it depends on the current load on their network. I've gotten it around 10 GB and it paused my download for 4 hours and then resumed it. See this discussion.


[-] how2stayAnonymous | 2 points | Oct 26 2016 02:27:17

I use MegaDownloader to bypass the limit. It's pretty neat.


[-] Hadam10Rose | 2 points | Oct 26 2016 06:32:42

usually around 50 gigs a day


[-] yamraj212 | 0 points | Oct 25 2016 06:32:36

Create a free account to access the unlimited download bandwitdh


[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Oct 25 2016 07:00:52



[-] yamraj212 | 1 points | Oct 25 2016 07:06:50

Oh thats weird. Whenever I check with Jdownloader it shows I have unlimited bandwidth


[-] trusound | 2 points | Oct 25 2016 19:35:55

Yea not sure since mine started to constantly get the limit. Since 10gb is nothing to me I just sucked it up and started to pay the 5 a month.


[-] Geralt-Helios | 1 points | Oct 25 2016 20:07:19

Actually, there is no need to pay for anything. Hourly cap is 10GB/6Hrs... Just divide calculate the speed of your current connection and drop the speed down so that you download around 9.5GB/6Hrs... On my connection, I can't get to the cap even if my life depends on it (mostly because I share a connection with a cousin and he leaches AF) so, downloading is continuous without any hickups. When I started getting the message about "Exceeded bandwidth" I just created an account, added it to JDownloader and resumed what I was doing without any problems.

The only problem I see is that, download speed drops down in half when file is larger than 1GB. If file is below 1GB, I can still download at full speed.


[-] harsh20483 | 1 points | Oct 25 2016 13:02:20

thanks. Will ask my brother to open an account and see if the problem persists.


[-] Rajawilco | 4 points | Oct 25 2016 12:08:05

I always thought people were being dicks by not posting direct links. This has clarified a lot for me. Thanks.


[-] Timzor | 2 points | Oct 25 2016 20:03:06

Do people from their paid accounts or make free accounts?


[-] Hadam10Rose | 1 points | Oct 26 2016 06:32:14



[-] seanwc09 | 2 points | Oct 26 2016 01:33:45

Guys, what's your download speed on mega. Yeah, I know it depends on many variables such as internet speed. I just want to know how fast.
