therealsJOHNOLIVER | 70 points | Nov 01 2016 09:07:27

[SOFTWARE] MegaDownloader.v1.7 [1.99MB]

LINK | KEY: !7YpeZocAi_JCXa2vcrhpX5xJIKUc06NxUFd2BJoBqDA


[-] sishgupta | 38 points | Nov 01 2016 13:52:41

Is there a source or community for this?

It's wild how paranoid everyone is about people tracking their downloads but then a strange piece of software comes by and no one bats an eye.


[-] MassiveBallacks | 9 points | Nov 01 2016 17:12:49

Apparently, this is their website:

A post from /r/MEGA a while ago says its open source and links to this blogpost:

edit: Some users below are saying it doesn't support folder links. Maybe we can contact the author and see if that functionality can be added.


[-] sishgupta | 7 points | Nov 01 2016 17:14:51

This is good!

However, anyone downloading the software via MEGA should be using the MD5 on the blog to verify.


[-] MassiveBallacks | 4 points | Nov 01 2016 17:42:00

How can one use the MD5 to verify the MEGA file?


[-] sishgupta | 4 points | Nov 01 2016 17:45:04

Assuming the MEGA file is the original RAR provided by the developer:

  1. Download an MD5 hash generator or checker like

  2. Use the program from step 1 to produce an MD5 hash of the file you got from MEGA

  3. Verify that the MD5 hash produced by your version of the file matches the MD5 string on the blogspot website.

If it matches, the RAR is untampered with. If it does not, it may have been repackaged or modified (aka injected with malicious code).


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 7 points | Nov 02 2016 04:40:33

People should also keep in mind that even if you verify the hash, that does not mean that the file is safe. It means you have an accurate copy of the file. If the original file contains malicious code, having an accurate copy of it doesn't mean it's safe to use.

The blogspot links above provide the source code for the program, so in order to ascertain it's safety you would need to review and understand the source code to make sure the program itself is safe, then once you download a file purporting to be a copy of that program you'd need to verify it is a valid copy using the hash.

Someone else was asking if there was way to monitor what the program does, whether it send IPs or other information. You could use a program like Wireshark to monitor your traffic and packets, incoming and outgoing, but again you'd need to know how to use Wireshark and also possess the technical knowledge to understand the information it's giving you. To determine the safety of files you need to rely on your knowledge, common sense, and your antivirus software.

You could also install the program into a virtual machine on your computer, which creates a "fake" version of your computer or a copy version in software to see if the program does anything malicious. Again, this is assuming you know how to install a virtual machine and use it, which isn't that difficult, and how to troubleshoot what a program is doing, which is pretty difficult.

Best thing to do is use your best judgement when installing or running any sort of executable from an unknown source. It might be safe, it might not be. It's a risk you take. Or not.


[-] poopysaur | 1 points | Nov 02 2016 02:07:45

I have no idea what you just said. But can you please check the link that OP posted and tell us if its legit?


[-] InadequateUsername | 1 points | Nov 02 2016 02:29:12

looks like the originals are gone.


[-] poopysaur | 1 points | Nov 02 2016 02:46:07

ah shiet


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 1 points | Nov 02 2016 04:24:21

What do you mean "the originals are gone"? Are you saying the file in the mega download link is a different file now than it was originally?


[-] InadequateUsername | 2 points | Nov 02 2016 04:28:19

Well someone was concerned with whether this version had been tampered. I couldn't download the originals from the blogspot site to verify the hashes.


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 1 points | Nov 02 2016 04:48:04

I see. Well there is an MD5 hash on this page

about halfway down the page. It's this


I downloaded the file from mega, uploaded it to

generating a hash, and compared it to the one provided on the developers page and they did not match. However, the hash on the developers page stats that it is for a rar file, and the file from mega is not a rar file, so that probably affects it.

Long story short I don't know if this file is safe or not, I've done what limited checking I can do with the knowledge I have and it didn't match up. So use your best judgement.


[-] willku | -1 points | Nov 02 2016 02:49:25

He literally gave you step by step instructions on how to verify it...


[-] Agastopia | 1 points | Nov 01 2016 16:10:24

There must be some way to monitor if it's sending out IPs or something, right?


[-] MrManh | 9 points | Nov 01 2016 14:53:56

is there a mac version?


[-] [deleted] | 7 points | Nov 01 2016 09:44:29



[-] AVAdrian | 6 points | Nov 01 2016 10:17:50

Yes. Highly recommended.


[-] sirber | 3 points | Nov 01 2016 12:00:23

thank you!


[-] Valar_Morghulis7 | 1 points | Dec 30 2016 22:57:51

od you have a link for mac version?


[-] darkcow_101 | 7 points | Nov 01 2016 13:31:26

How can I put a link from a folder? Like I can find the link to an individual folder so I have to download through the browser.


[-] Ryo_Sanada | 5 points | Nov 01 2016 19:17:39

since it doesn't allow folders, the only way to get files from folders with this is by importing the file to your cloud drive and then using that link with megadownloader


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Nov 01 2016 13:37:40



[-] vinprivag | 5 points | Nov 01 2016 16:00:48

as far as i know folder link is not supported yet.


[-] cream_of_the_crap | 1 points | Nov 04 2016 10:06:03

To me, it's odd what I've read (that it doesn't work with folders), because I can copy the URL for a folder in Mega and, as soon as it is open while Ctrl+C, MegaDownloader will verify it and add it to the download list.


[-] andyk_ | 7 points | Nov 01 2016 14:11:15

Does anyone know (or have) if there is a Mac one?


[-] m1ch3lkh4n | 5 points | Nov 01 2016 14:55:08

no mac os?


[-] ayushman-singh | 1 points | Nov 01 2016 12:16:51

How do you use keys with this?


[-] kaching335 | 5 points | Nov 01 2016 12:18:04

Just past it right next to the link (no space) The key is actually just part of the url


[-] ayushman-singh | 2 points | Nov 01 2016 12:47:13



[-] DIDNT_READ_YOUR_SHIT | 1 points | Nov 01 2016 19:47:35

To all mac plebs: buy a normal computer.


[-] andyk_ | 6 points | Nov 01 2016 21:24:37

Thank you for your helpful response.


[-] DIDNT_READ_YOUR_SHIT | 1 points | Nov 01 2016 23:04:42

no probs, just helpin gout


[-] anthony696 | 1 points | Nov 01 2016 22:35:33

what's the difference between this and MiPony? should i stop using MiPony?


[-] harrywantstodev | 1 points | Nov 02 2016 03:50:36

Has anyone gotten at SOCKS5 Proxy to work with it? My PIA proxy won't work in MD but is working in Vuze


[-] SpatialWheel | 1 points | Nov 02 2016 05:39:18

I am so happy i got this. Speeds are faster, Multiple downloads and no bandwidth limit! I have downloaded 20gb today already!


[-] sleeplessnight234 | 1 points | Nov 02 2016 06:00:00

I havent been dl files from mega for about three weeks ago when I first have the " Bandwidth exceeded limit" I was wondering is the megadownloader app safe? and does it work like jdownloader like copying the links and it will download the files automatically?


[-] novax134 | 1 points | Nov 04 2016 23:05:56

how are you guys getting IDM to work after 30 days?
