ashtodes | 29 points | Nov 24 2016 23:41:29

[MOVIE] The Descent (2005) [1080p] [5.1] [H.264] [3GB]


Key: !lidsSL-81taBTZVLc1KU4uAllemuICr8QRxbXlBcokM


[-] GonzoMojo | 4 points | Nov 25 2016 01:57:04

good god its my nemesis!!!this movie scared the crap out of me...


[-] XibalbaN7 | 2 points | Nov 26 2016 17:10:11

LOL - I remember the first time I ever saw this movie. I'm not a big horror fan (I favour the more suspense genre of horror like Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Psycho etc - stuff that really gets under your skin as opposed to out and out gore-fests), and I literally had no idea what to expect as I literally had turned the TV on as it was starting, and thought it was just some lame-assed pot-holing movie. Jesus Christ was I ever wrong, by the end I felt like i'd been pummeled with a piece of 2x4...

Nightmares FOR DAYS. :D


[-] tyleralderiondurden | 2 points | Nov 25 2016 12:23:37

one of the bestesest horror movies. shame the second one wasnt ass good.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Nov 24 2016 23:44:11

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] drstins_n | 1 points | Nov 25 2016 17:09:27

Is this the american or the european version?
