vcdupper | 18 points | Dec 01 2016 01:16:14

[MOVIE] [1.09 GB]

KEY: !aoJtjcn18yPGuD5M2muWb_awZHALeNNvyqykcEPzbD0


[-] CHAMPANERIA | 3 points | Dec 01 2016 02:55:37

what does imax version mean


[-] PrimodialStrain | 1 points | Dec 01 2016 20:30:40

It's has better picture and better audio depending on if you have the proper equipment to get the full experience of IMAX


[-] Mortos3 | 1 points | Dec 02 2016 01:00:03

I'm not sure why that's included in the title, but from what I can tell, the bluray does not expand to full IMAX ratio for the scenes shot that way. In fact, I have yet to see any bluray release do that. But I suppose it would be difficult given the prevalence of wide screen tvs. The inevitable black bars on either side would probably annoy people.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Dec 01 2016 01:18:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] Fiascode | 1 points | Dec 02 2016 02:30:47

already dead.. was looking forward to this :( sorry to bother, but any chance for a re-up?


[-] vcdupper | 1 points | Dec 02 2016 02:32:04

Megalink source is down, I'll grab & up


[-] djMaldoror | 1 points | Dec 26 2016 13:43:10

Still down... :( Thanks for all your effort, anyway. So many great ups!!
