Cartmanishere | 44 points | Dec 06 2016 11:36:30

[META] All of my accounts have been suspended.

I had about 40-50 different accounts on MEGA. I can't log into any one of them right now. It says "You have been suspended due to Terms of Service violations." What the fuck does that imply ? I had only stored copyrighted content on it, didn't even share it. Is this temporary or did I just lose everything I've ever gathered on MEGA ?


[-] jackRipper3243 | 16 points | Dec 06 2016 11:47:09

You probably just lost everything. From what I've heard, they find the content based on the file's hash, so if it's known copyrighted material they can find it. It's better to zip it first so that the hash is different than everything else out there.


[-] Cartmanishere | 12 points | Dec 06 2016 11:54:35

Goddamnit! Due to bandwidth issues, I only have a small fraction of all that content on my local drive. I just got royally screwed.


[-] sirber | 6 points | Dec 06 2016 13:01:59

mega is supposed to encrypt it whitout knowing the key. hash should not be the same. maybe it's different for stuff you "downloaded in your account from another account".


[-] Ethan2k16 | 7 points | Dec 06 2016 19:27:01

Yeah. MEGA can't identify identical files (without a decryption key), unless they are imported.

Importing a file simply links to the original file. Re-uploading will prevent MEGA from linking them (because files are encrypted before they are uploaded). They are transparent about this:


[-] Bodyguard121 | 1 points | Dec 06 2016 15:08:14

So if I have imported something from the accounts that got banned will that get my account banned too?


[-] lolkatze | 1 points | Dec 08 2016 08:10:31


What is this?


[-] vcdupper | 15 points | Dec 06 2016 16:38:57

I've lost 80 accounts so far.......


[-] clutchtho | 4 points | Dec 06 2016 19:40:20

Damn fuck that. Thanks for all you did man, you were super helpful as were the rest of the posters on this sub.


[-] Cartmanishere | 3 points | Dec 06 2016 16:49:18

It's a damn shame!


[-] extremebs | 1 points | Dec 06 2016 17:54:50



[-] Cartmanishere | 3 points | Dec 06 2016 16:47:37

I checked some of my old posts. Some of the links are working but I still can't log into the accounts into which the data is stored. What the fuck is happening ?


[-] tyleralderiondurden | 2 points | Dec 06 2016 11:56:55

good shit do not last long.



[-] Cartmanishere | 1 points | Dec 06 2016 12:02:03

Just over 3 months for me. :(


[-] deptford | 1 points | Dec 06 2016 12:32:34

That sucks, but if you had that amount of accounts they may have noticed especially if you were transferring content in between your accounts.


[-] Cartmanishere | 3 points | Dec 06 2016 13:14:53

I wasn't transferring the content. I wasn't even sharing links from these accounts. I just used them to store the content I like that is shared here.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 06 2016 15:09:47

I'd speculate that if they saw the same IP address logging in to all those accounts (which is a lot of accounts), they probably investigated further. Having multiple free accounts probably goes against their TOS since they do have an option to pay. I've had my one mega account since 'the beginning' and have never had any sort of issues.


[-] Cartmanishere | 2 points | Dec 06 2016 15:16:51

I thought they might keep tabs of IP addresses so I've always used VPN.


[-] andyk_ | 1 points | Dec 06 2016 14:22:21



[-] Kicuch | 1 points | Dec 06 2016 16:36:10

O hell no, they also have banned the account connected with this enormous dump with all amazing files.


[-] edditme | 1 points | Dec 06 2016 17:17:44

You have my condolences, but I'm sure you can find more porn somewhere on the internet.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 06 2016 17:07:25

I keep a text file with the links that I have imported so I don't know if I can log in to all my accounts but It seems most of my imported links still work.


[-] --MEGAman-- | 1 points | Dec 06 2016 19:29:33

Yep, Everything of mine has been deleted with accounts suspended as well.
