BloodHawkDarkWolf | 68 points | Dec 08 2016 15:32:23

[META] Many posters, including moderators, are no longer abiding by rule #1. I think everyone should follow the rules, or the rules need to changed. We should have a discussion about this.

Since the "Great MEGA crisis of 2016" (which was like a couple of days ago), people have started posting links to, well, pretty much whatever. Google drive, embedding links in images using steganography which require using 3rd party software to access, and posting links to 3rd party sites which require members to click through ads in order to access the link. I was told by one of the moderators that spam filters had been set up to prevent non-MEGA links, but that doesn't seem to be working.

I know, I know. The responses are going to be "But BloodHawkDarkWolf, we have to do this to keep the content from being taken down." You can do this, but you don't have to.

So the next question is "So what's your problem with doing this anyway, dude?" Well there's a few.

"If you're going to point out a problem shouldn't you suggest a solution too?" Here's my thoughts on it. I don't necessarily have a problem with using 3rd party websites to obscure links provided the following conditions are met.

I'd also like to point out again that there is a lot people can do to protect links against bots just by formatting their post differently, like breaking up urls and keys and posting them on different lines, or in the middle of a paragraph. You can also replace characters with random letters, or not provide the information at all and give people a hint like "The password is an animal that meows, all lowercase." People have skipped right past simple, effective steps that have zero risk in their rush to embrace nuclear options, and that's kind of hasty.

Lastly, I feel I'm obligated to mention that in the past posts discussing this particular topic have had a tendency to disappear. They will get deleted without warning or notice. Since this topic is relatively important, and deserves some discussion by the community at large I'd like to preemptively request that this post not be deleted.

I think this is one of the best subs on reddit and want it to be successful and safe for everyone. Thanks for reading and I look forward to everyones responses.

Edit: Alright then. Rule 1 no longer applies. Shake your moneymakers, guys. The sub has been monetized, the goal has been achieved. It's just like /r/fullmoviesonanything now.


[-] vcdupper | 29 points | Dec 08 2016 16:31:22

As I said in my first few posts after the account deletions I am testing it to see if it makes any difference & if so we may need to change the rule, I never said everyone should do it. And I'm not doing it because of that, previous to this big take down I had been losing links sometimes hours after upload & post, that's what I'm trying to combat. And per your request I have approved this post, it will not be deleted.


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 8 points | Dec 09 2016 02:49:50

Ok, well since I didn't see the first few posts you made after the account deletions I wasn't aware of that information. A post in the subreddit would probably have had more visibility. But thank you for the information. Also no one is suggesting you told everyone to do it. However, if people (including you) are doing it, and their posts stay up then you are telling them to go ahead and do it. Because you're one of the moderators.

So, just to clarify, rule 1 doesn't apply anymore? I ask because people aren't following it and their posts are staying up.


[-] simplefilmreviews | 19 points | Dec 08 2016 16:07:14

It's a temporary fix. You're freaking out over nothing and should you ever upload, try your solution.


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 11 points | Dec 09 2016 02:56:09

No one is freaking out. Are you freaking out? I brought up an issue with the sub, in a polite and civil manner, where people aren't following the rules. It's not a radical idea.

People have tried these solutions. There are posts up right now, and before now, that weren't removed. There are posts that didn't use anything that are still up. It's unfortunate you didn't actually read what I wrote because I pointed all that out already. Whether I try it on one of my own uploads is irrelevant.


[-] Ultra-Rider | -2 points | Dec 09 2016 14:16:41

No one is freaking out. Are you freaking out?

You seem to be, what with all of these paragraphs you keep vomiting up. If you're going to leave, get to it, Kid.


[-] TeslaVSM2 | 2 points | Dec 09 2016 03:08:57

To continue this, how are we supposed to find a workable solution if all posts must include a link to Mega? Where is there a dialogue?


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 5 points | Dec 09 2016 08:07:58

Where is there a dialogue?

Well, that's what this was an attempt at. It didn't happen. People pretty much just said "fuck off" in various ways. I had a higher opinion of the sub than what it actually is.


[-] vcdupper | 7 points | Dec 08 2016 21:02:56

Commercialized no it's called I don't like uploading something to have it taken down 24 hours later, this coming from 2 lurkers.


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 3 points | Dec 09 2016 02:51:39

There are a lot of posts up that aren't using keeplinks and such that are staying up, just like before when you were using keeplinks.

Also I don't know what the lurkers comment means, or how that's relevant.


[-] eightballthrowaway | 7 points | Dec 09 2016 05:13:12

I'm very, very scared about websites with lots of ads on them (or force popups even though I have three adblocks installed, etc, like so many file hosting and link hosting sites are) so I don't like the idea that people are posting "MEGA" links that redirect elsewhere before you can get to them. Granted, I usually check where a link is going before I click on it but I'm still worried about it, not that I actively download that much currently (and I haven't seen any examples of this yet luckily) but still. I like the idea of having agreed on sites though, maybe we should start putting our links somewhere safe like Pastebin, put through a link shortener (NOT like Adfly, like Google's link shortener or something we know we can trust) and with the key to the link in a seperate Pastebin post that we link to from here. If it ever gets really, really bad. My posts are very rarely taken down and I just seperate the link and key so I'm personally never gonna go the whole 30 yards like that for now but. That's just an example of what we could do that wouldn't bother me personally, someone who has very deep issues with paranoia especially with technology lmao. Idk if anyone is already doing that


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 5 points | Dec 09 2016 08:11:52

The sub has changed. 3rd party monetized links that force you to click through ads is the way it is now, the rules in the sidebar just haven't been updated.

So basically you're cool with that, or as far as people are concerned you can just go away. Sorry but it's the truth.


[-] outline01 | 6 points | Dec 08 2016 16:05:45

Could I please direct you to rule one of the sub.


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 7 points | Dec 09 2016 02:51:54



[-] fob911 | -4 points | Dec 09 2016 05:54:47

you don't see the irony? Doing the exact same thing you're telling people not to do?


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 6 points | Dec 09 2016 08:00:44

You're not making any sense. Being obtuse isn't helping anything. I'm not telling people to do anything. Maybe it would be better to say what you mean to say instead of just trying to be clever?


[-] fob911 | 1 points | Dec 10 2016 09:15:55

Rule 1: All posts should be relevant to Mega.

Then you proceed to make an irrelevant post writing an essay and completely doing the exact opposite of rule 1.

You're a retard.


[-] ayushman-singh | -3 points | Dec 08 2016 19:16:28

Self posts are allowed if you have multiple links to share.



[-] alakaboem | 5 points | Dec 08 2016 19:47:29

Since it's been commercialized with keeplinks n'all, I'm done for now. Peace out.


[-] [deleted] | -1 points | Dec 09 2016 01:28:44

If you can come up with a way to keep links from getting taken down then let us know. Otherwise don't complain about people that are giving you stuff for free.


[-] alakaboem | 6 points | Dec 09 2016 07:59:41

I don't follow monetized links or join monetized communities on principle. Yeah, it's stupid to have a line like this considering how immensely immoral it all is to begin with, but it's my line, and goddamit if I'm willing to die on said line. r/Megalinks was one of the first -and only- non-private-tracker sites I'd found that seemed to hold those same values, especially the mods; it's been really disappointing to see that that isn't as true as I'd thought.

For the record, I think the whole idea of having dedicated mods and uploaders on here is a bit ridiculous. You upload what you've got, and if you have something someone else wants, you share it. The whole "I am a source of content, tf I am your leader" complex that's been building over the past few months is getting reeeally old for me, hence why I'm calling it quits. Yeah, cue the "bye, felicia" memes and whatever, but so it goes. I've had some damn good times on the sub, and met some damn interesting folk, but things run their course, and you gotta go with the flow, I always say. Once again, peace, and hope it all goes well on this sub's end.


[-] Ultra-Rider | -4 points | Dec 09 2016 14:14:58

I thought you were leaving. Stop crying and go. It's doing no one any good, you hanging around trying to get the last word in. Don't you have any self respect? Your attempts at going out in a blaze of glory are making you look like a whiny passive/aggressive little brat. Just go and be done with it.


[-] Ultra-Rider | -4 points | Dec 09 2016 14:12:10

Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord spit ya!


[-] Ultra-Rider | 4 points | Dec 09 2016 14:10:02

Holy Shit. People will find anything to complain about, no matter how minute, when they're getting stuff for free. Biggest example of the "Self-entitlement" generation if I ever saw one.

Uploaders, keep doing what you do, however you have to do it for the time being. You do a great job, and I appreciate the work you do immensely. Thank you. If I can help, I'll do so. Naysayers, Doomsday Prophets, Self righteous hypocrites, haters, go fuck yourselves.


[-] iBobRoss | -5 points | Dec 08 2016 20:17:27

