imranr11 | 24 points | Dec 10 2016 11:02:37

[MOVIE] Mad.Max.Fury.Road.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264-Replica [7.66GB]

Download Link


[-] tyleralderiondurden | 2 points | Dec 10 2016 11:34:13

someone is on fire


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Dec 10 2016 11:05:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] ahmedoomar04 | 1 points | Feb 07 2017 12:00:25

the link got removed, can you please reupload it ?

Thank you


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 08 2017 06:00:04

please reupload :)


[-] cobalt-green | -6 points | Dec 10 2016 18:40:57

Are you making money on these captcha'd links? I think you're taking advantage of the recent freak-out to start using this 'security measure' which obviously doesn't provide any extra security. If you're trying to prevent link scrapers, just do one of those "replace xxx with abc" things. If you're trying to prevent humans, then there's nothing you can do to stop them (but at least you'll make $0.0055 off of them?)


[-] imranr11 | 6 points | Dec 10 2016 20:00:56

I'd invite you to do the same as I do and share quality stuff daily, but you won't. It's not like I'm just importing stuff onto my cloud and sharing it here either. It's my effort, I'm taking time out and uploading it onto my (well, used to) Pro mega accounts which I got only to share stuff on the sub. And I have done it for the past few months without any captcha'd links. And if my content still gets taken down after using these captcha'd links I'll stop using them altogether and will use a better way if there is any.

But as I'm entitled to my own opinion on this matter, you're entitled to your own. I'm not scamming anyone here or asking for money in exchange for me posting on the sub. So, enjoy the free stuff if you want to.


[-] BWANT | 3 points | Dec 11 2016 00:38:13

Are you making money on these captcha'd links?

Are you paying for the movie?
