halolordkiller3 | 16 points | Dec 12 2016 03:41:27

[META]Is there a megadownloader for Linux?

I'm technically on a headless server but I can easily fix that. I'm just wondering if there is a megadownloader to bypass the limit on Linux. Thanks everyone for the amazing uploads!


[-] [deleted] | 10 points | Dec 12 2016 04:53:00

Megatools. https://megatools.megous.com/

To download a single file: megadl --path '/location/folder/' 'https://mega.co.nz/#12345'

However ive had trouble downloading multiple files. But moving the files to your account first, then downloading it from there works: megasync --username 'hello@kitty.com' --local '/location/folder/' --remote '/Root' --download

Note that '/Root' refers the entire directory for you mega account, you can be more specific.


[-] patientx | 3 points | Dec 12 2016 11:12:19

How do we install from terminal ? I have ubuntu on my vps. I want to install it there. apt-get install doesn't see it as package and on the official page it says there is "pre-packaged in the package repository of your distribution" but how can I get that via terminal only ? Also building from source is also not explained clearly. I am not very good at linux just if there is complete guide I can follow.

Edit : NVM, I found a guide to compile it from source. https://wiseindy.com/it/how-to-install-megatools-in-ubuntu-14-04-5-lts-trusty-tahr/


[-] TheNoah | 1 points | May 11 2017 00:37:44

I know this is super uber late response but I just did it about 3 seconds ago on ubuntu by running 'sudo apt-get install mega-tools'


[-] AeroRandy | 6 points | Dec 12 2016 16:05:43

Is there any reason why you guys don't use jdownloader?


[-] justacasual | 4 points | Dec 12 2016 16:43:13

Bandwidth limitation


[-] IcemanSR | 3 points | Dec 12 2016 20:51:22

Not if u are using free account , which Jdownloader now support


[-] justacasual | 1 points | Dec 13 2016 06:55:12

Well I did not know that. I will try it, ty :)


[-] halolordkiller3 | 1 points | Dec 15 2016 05:45:54

wait so they bypass the limit now with a basic account?


[-] IJustWantToBeDank | 2 points | Dec 12 2016 14:28:29

For someone with your skill set I'm gonna recommend you use MEGAsync. It has a comprehensive GUI.
