lolmaxz | 31 points | Dec 13 2016 11:35:14

[MOVIE] Pokémon The Movie 1 HD Widescreen MultiDub+MultiSub (Read Description)

After taking a lot of time to make this, I hope some will FINALLY enjoy it! This is the first Movie of Pokémon "Mewtwo Strike back!" in HD Widescreen and heres what's included: Languages: Eng, Fr, Qc Fr(vfq), Spa, Jap, Por. Subtitles: Eng, Fr, Jap chapter included (may need a little fix in futur) Every voice track are at the same sound level so that your ears doesn't blow up when you change language.

NOTE: This is the Extended Version of the movie so that imply that some featured scene in the begining are ONLY in English or Japanese (By default in every language it's in english, if you want it in japanese, switch to japanese then put your prefered language back after.) NOTE2: Japanese subtile aren't active for song and french subtile don't exist before half the intro of the movie sorry for that I'll try making up the rest that is missing ! The video file I found have japanese writing for credit etc. I didn't find a better version of the movie so bear with it.

This is my first submit to the subreddit and I can tell you that i'm going to work making all 7 first Movie of pokémon then after that I will stop. While i'm here if you see any problems with my file please tell so that next time it will be better !

Last info: this is an 23fps version, I'm going to look around and when I finally success at doing it I willl upload the same file with picture at 60FPS for people who like fluid anime with fight etc.

Thanks a lot ! Enjoy watching!

LINK ::!RgZyVRrb pass: !QM-qTXcompWZfs3_1WGPKbgknDNgbeRSb0zOWzZpiX_M1o (for the pass to work just delete all "P" in the password, just as a little security check ;) )

Size: 2.32GB (yeah it's big but you'll never have to download ever this movie again lol) MP me if the link is dead :)


[-] Dude036 | 3 points | Dec 13 2016 16:43:24

Awesome! Keep us in the loop when you get the 60 fps link up.


[-] lolmaxz | 2 points | Dec 13 2016 17:51:23

Yeah don't worry when it will be done I'll inform it in the post so you'll get notification ;) Mean while if you are interested you can try a program called Svp (smooth video project) with allow you to convert in real time to 60 fps it work really great!


[-] lolmaxz | 1 points | Dec 14 2016 20:49:52

As promised !


[-] Dude036 | 1 points | Dec 14 2016 21:13:58

Already downloaded it. Looks like I get to reward myself after final are over!


[-] lolmaxz | 1 points | Dec 14 2016 21:27:28

haha yeah :P enjoy it !


[-] 3r0z | 3 points | Dec 13 2016 23:16:10

I'm confused as to which Pokemon movie this is. Please keep in mind I have never watched any Pokemon anything but my 6 y/o son is huge fan. We have a movie called Pokemon The First Movie Mewtwo Strikes Back but this is not it. But he's adamant the one we have is "The First Movie". Me, I have no cue. I have googled though, and there doesn't appear to be a Pokemon movie called "Mewtwo vs Mew" (could be mistaken). I'm just trying to get clarification. Can you please specify which movie this is?


[-] lolmaxz | 3 points | Dec 13 2016 23:51:38

Yes no worries This is like mentionned in the Title, the first Pokémon movie wich is in fact, yes, "Pokemon The First Movie Mewtwo Strikes Back" that is the english title of the movie as i'm from Canada and my main language is french the Movie is called (FR)"Mewtwo contre Mew" which stand for (EN)"Mewtwo versus Mew". I don't know wich version you already have but this is indeed the Mewtwo movie. (There is 2 Mewtwo movie but one of them is not really known and doesn't even have a movie number)

If you have more question don't hesitate !


[-] 3r0z | 3 points | Dec 14 2016 00:37:44

Thanks! I appreciate the explanation and the share.


[-] bok4600 | 2 points | Dec 13 2016 22:39:00



[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 13 2016 18:12:27



[-] lolmaxz | 2 points | Dec 13 2016 18:20:41

no my friend sorry lol there is like 19 pokemon movie but the main reason i'm doing the first 7 only is because the main language i'm aiming to to upload in hd and everything is Canadian Quebec version wich is dub in french but with pokemon and characters's name all in english and I fing it awesome on top of being part of my childhood :) you can see in the language available FR and QC FR that stand for QuebeC FRench ;)

and yes believe me 60fps is something most of all with anime it's gorgous '^-^' Like I said in the last comment's replay you can always try with a free version the SVP program that is an addon to your prefered video player on your computer and watch your movie and anime in 60fps converted in real time (even more then 60fps if you want, and have a powerfull enough computer lol)


[-] MassiveBallacks | 1 points | Dec 14 2016 02:57:25

Hey, I remember you! Thanks for following through and posting this. I'm happy with 23 fps since it's HD. I'd be interested to see how the 60 fps version looks too.


[-] lolmaxz | 2 points | Dec 14 2016 03:28:45

You are welcome its been a long time I wanted to do that and yeah believe me when I will get the 60fps version out are going to have your mind blown lol follow up for when I release that and the next pokemon movie I will do up to the seventh movies ;) if I get got support and review maybe more but we'll see when I will be there ;) have a nice day!


[-] MassiveBallacks | 1 points | Dec 14 2016 04:56:33

You're really cool, man. Let me know if there's a way I can support you. I'll definitely leave a review once I watch the movie. You have a nice day too!


[-] lolmaxz | 1 points | Dec 14 2016 06:13:44

if you have: a native language different from english or french

have experiences with audio edition

have video editing experience

have a really good computer aka i7 or more lol

have good knowledge of torrent

if you can get any point in the list you might be able to help me :)


[-] MassiveBallacks | 1 points | Dec 15 2016 03:02:23

Welp, the closest one I have to any of that is an i5-4690K. I'll come back to you if I ever learn the ways of torrents.


[-] lolmaxz | 2 points | Dec 14 2016 20:50:34

Now you can look it up and see for yourself ;)


[-] MassiveBallacks | 1 points | Dec 15 2016 03:00:32

Wow, that was fast. I can't wait to check it out. Thanks again :)


[-] lolmaxz | 2 points | Dec 15 2016 03:40:53

You're welcome! Have a good watching! :)


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 14 2016 23:38:13



[-] lolmaxz | 1 points | Dec 15 2016 00:03:24

for what ? video audio track, subtitle ?


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 15 2016 05:28:45



[-] lolmaxz | 1 points | Dec 15 2016 05:53:42

They both come from the Japanese DVD with contain the English track and subtitle. I found a torrent on Internet containing all that and I mixed it up with the other track I found and I recorded some myself at home ;) French subtitle found on a subtitle website


[-] bisdakexplorer | 1 points | Dec 17 2016 01:15:25

Thank you so much for this and all the effort.


[-] lolmaxz | 1 points | Dec 17 2016 01:41:05

you are walcome and when you have a chance take a look at the 60fps version it looks better ;)
