CommieWolf | 33 points | Dec 22 2016 15:59:48

[Movie][1080p] The Wailing 2016(3.6 GB), amazing korean horror/mystery/suspense film


I can't recommend this movie hard enough guys, it's so fucking good, probably my favorite foreign film ever. I'd advise not looking up anything about it because this is such a spoiler ruin movie.


[-] simplefilmreviews | 2 points | Dec 22 2016 16:12:20

Dumb question, how do we know which subtitle pack to download for this?!


[-] CommieWolf | 3 points | Dec 22 2016 17:36:15

I'm wondering the same thing, I don' think any of those fit the one I have, good thing I included the subs for mine in the download. :)


[-] simplefilmreviews | 3 points | Dec 22 2016 19:18:35

Oh you did? Perfect! Thank you


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Dec 22 2016 16:04:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] foxtailbarley | 1 points | Dec 23 2016 08:52:39

when i click the link it's empty page. can you check the links? thanks a bunch!


[-] CommieWolf | 2 points | Dec 23 2016 15:03:20

M8, what link? Take this /#F!BddlSR7C!ZOgF_PCGmOJfXrRJNei21g, put it in the url bar, and add right behind the slash.


[-] foxtailbarley | 2 points | Dec 23 2016 15:23:49


Thanks! that's dumb of me, i thought I did that earlier but it was blank. But now it's okay. cheers and thanks again for reply


[-] synth426 | 1 points | Dec 24 2016 17:06:07

this and the Handmaiden are some of the best foreign cinema I've ever seen


[-] gabsens | 1 points | Dec 24 2016 17:24:54

there's something wrong with the audio ... some metallic sound in the background


[-] CommieWolf | 1 points | Dec 24 2016 19:12:45

where? I'm skipping around and not catching anything, I'm assuming you heard it with your headphones on?


[-] gabsens | 1 points | Dec 24 2016 19:15:38

Yes, you wouldn't hear it speakers. It starts right at the beginning of the movie


[-] CommieWolf | 1 points | Dec 25 2016 20:15:42

Ah, I hear it now, if you'd like I could find another version if that bothers you too much. Otherwise, I'd reccommend A. Watching it with speakers B. Turning down the source audio a bit so it's less noticeable.


[-] gabsens | 1 points | Dec 25 2016 20:28:26

I've just watched the movie after getting this release

The audio is fine on this one.

I'd have liked to upload it to Mega, but with my shitty 100 ko/s upload speed that would take ages... Regarding the film, I did not understand a thing at the end. It was only when I watched some explanation video on Youtube that it began to make sense. Nice find!
