ashtodes | 63 points | Dec 22 2016 19:15:10

[MOVIE] Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) [1080p] [5.1] [1.8GB]



[-] Ultra-Rider | 3 points | Dec 23 2016 03:58:50

I'm not one that give too much of a rip about 'perfect quality' and such. Hell, I'll watch any damn thing as long as I can understand it, and enjoy it. But I have to say, the image on this is so effing beautiful! I really love this movie. More than I thought I did. Thanks for posting it.


[-] ashtodes | 2 points | Dec 23 2016 23:30:22

I actually think it looks pretty mediocre haha. I don't really care though, since the source looks pretty bad to begin with.


[-] Mr3512 | 2 points | Dec 22 2016 22:32:34

Bless you. I lost everything in my external hard drive and I now need to include this once again in my collection.


[-] greatflicks | 2 points | Dec 23 2016 01:05:25

awesome, thanks.


[-] Ftoompsh | 2 points | Dec 24 2016 00:10:23

Hey there, I'm seeing the decryption key at the top of the page but not the Mega link. Am I staring straight at it and not seeing it? Cheers


[-] ashtodes | 3 points | Dec 24 2016 20:03:28

Put in front of the key, and you have a URL


[-] Ftoompsh | 1 points | Dec 25 2016 00:01:07



[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Dec 22 2016 19:19:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] RainofDung | 1 points | Dec 25 2016 02:54:43

You are a saint. I've never seen this before, but now I can finally be acquainted with this movie.
