MaxIsGreat29 | 70 points | Jan 04 2017 12:27:57

[TV] Arrested Development Seasons 1-4 720p [11.3 GB]

The password to each of the files is the name of the subreddit, all letters lowercase.

Link|Key|Size ---|---|---- Season 1| !lZEupckVtOoF1JKK_vhjhTxRUvqISyTr36pxb6JlcU8|3.77 GB Season 2| !yAenbJk_EdRjRnGtFin-c9i2GpHBCPAWbdpeGnThBJQ|2.76 GB Season 3| !aynvRlbYZvXZpHCF0I9pTj3HfgwXyjDN4al8KoKZc9E|1.82 GB Season 4|!6ZthG21ASFy5s0wscszoeK6QuSqxYBcUWhiUkMd8bMk|2.95 GB

The password to each of the files is the name of the subreddit, all letters lowercase.


[-] PhrozenCypher | 11 points | Jan 04 2017 14:08:39

This show pays off so much as you rewatch it again, and again. I can't recommend it enough.


[-] tbx5959 | 6 points | Jan 04 2017 19:13:45

It is as densely packed with jokes as golden age Simpsons episodes, and there really isn't another comedy where there aren't just call backs, but jokes are paid off or doubled down later in the season.


[-] kingslayyer | 1 points | May 20 2017 05:44:47

season 5


[-] seifus | 7 points | Jan 04 2017 18:39:51

I just blu myself


[-] cry0sync | 3 points | Jan 04 2017 18:07:46

I love you, thanks so much


[-] gl1tchmob | 3 points | Jan 05 2017 05:04:54

oh my gob thanks!


[-] Crow_Daddy | 1 points | Jan 04 2017 22:14:23

One of my favorite shows of all time, I'm hoping they make the movie soon. Thanks for the upload!


[-] kingslayyer | 2 points | May 20 2017 05:44:37

season 5 baby


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 05 2017 12:50:23

uhhh i feel pretty stupid but the password doesn't work? I tried both "megalinks" and "/r/megalinks"


[-] MaxIsGreat29 | 1 points | Jan 05 2017 12:54:17

what does it say when you enter the password? is there an error message?


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 06 2017 06:30:59

The provided key is invalid. Please check that the key is correct or ask the creator of the link again.


[-] Jumanjithebestanda | 2 points | Jan 06 2017 12:22:45

Sounds like you're trying to use the password as the decryption key? There's a decryption key for each season you have to use to access the file on mega


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 07 2017 06:23:18

oh duh, thanks


[-] kvv5678 | 1 points | Mar 22 2017 20:43:40

What IS thee password for the zip file? idk what's a subreddit?


[-] vashiudit84 | 1 points | Jun 21 2017 17:12:58

I've downloaded the season 1 but for unzipping i couldn't understand what the password is? What's the name of "SUBREDDIT" ? Please help


[-] Mission123tacos | 1 points | Jul 02 2017 17:01:36

Can you get caught for this?
