kaching335 | 16 points | Jan 15 2017 03:22:42

[TV] Doctor Who: The TV Movie and BBCi Shada Remastered

The Doctor Who TV Movie starring Paul McGann, the 8th Doctor along with a fan remastered version of the BBCi animated released "Shada"


Key: !FvHQPaYo8tg66-cm_oM5Dg


[-] Ulifer | 2 points | Jan 15 2017 15:50:10

I've actually been looking for the Doctor Who Season 8 TV movie...that's awesome dude


[-] kaching335 | 1 points | Jan 15 2017 16:02:53

It's not season 8. It has the 8th Doctor, but it's after the 26th season.


[-] Ulifer | 2 points | Jan 15 2017 16:27:17

That's what i meant to say, the 8th Doctor, not season 8. Oops.


[-] kaching335 | 1 points | Jan 15 2017 16:31:13

Enjoy at any rate, it gets a lot of hate but I adore it
