DRational1 | 12 points | Feb 01 2017 05:49:18

[META] Is Mega more secure than Google Drive/Dropbox to save Personal files?


[-] TheGoodSheep | 8 points | Feb 01 2017 08:49:17

If you don't want to have your personal files stolen, you don't want them on the internet at all. No company is 100% safe and also most people don't use a different password for every page. So maybe your login data gets stolen at candycrush.com and so your personal files at Google Drive are "public" as well.

That being said, I would trust Google more with my safety in the sense that people have a harder time to access them and they are more in the public spotlight than MEGA or any other upload service. But I wouldn't trust Google enough to upload important files there (i.e. bank info, a copy of my ID).


[-] ash663 | 6 points | Feb 01 2017 06:28:07

Its debatable, I wouldn't trust any company with my data but if you mean safer in terms of security then Mega is definitely safer than most cloud storage solutions but if you are talking in terms of the company snooping on your data then I cannot say who is more safer


[-] FugiMuffi | 1 points | Feb 01 2017 19:25:17

Mega encrypts your files


[-] ash663 | 5 points | Feb 01 2017 20:34:18

Which means mega can decrypt it as well


[-] FugiMuffi | 0 points | Feb 01 2017 20:55:02

only if they know your key. if they built in a backdoor the whole project would be for nothing.


[-] ash663 | 4 points | Feb 01 2017 21:01:23

Mega generates the key themselves, none of us can ever prove whether Mega stores it or not and it'll only remain a speculation without a conclusion.


[-] ResolverOshawott | -2 points | Feb 01 2017 07:37:23

Honestly, just to be sure I'd go with Google Drive.


[-] TMGreycoat | 8 points | Feb 01 2017 11:43:08

If you want to be sure, you should encrypt documents and files before uploading them to any cloud storage


[-] ResolverOshawott | 4 points | Feb 01 2017 11:49:22

Yeah that's true, would a zip file with a password be good encryption?


[-] JustAPrivateBuffalo | 3 points | Feb 01 2017 18:30:52

No cloud storage service is perfect for personal documents. I wouldn't trust any one with very important things such as bank documents. But if you are looking to backup online then I would say google drive is less likely to stop (whereas mega could potentially go the same way that megaupload went) so your best option is to encrypt your files with the best encryption software available (not sure which one) and then upload to google drive.


[-] beniwa1 | 1 points | Feb 01 2017 11:19:19

guys just out of curiosity how long will i be able to access data on mega app once i have imported it to my account from mega dumps


[-] Cartmanishere | 2 points | Feb 01 2017 13:34:10

If you mean how long before they terminate your account for being over quota, it's 1 month. You should move all data to a new different account before that happens.


[-] beniwa1 | 1 points | Feb 01 2017 13:48:46

and what if my account is not over quota


[-] Cartmanishere | 2 points | Feb 01 2017 14:39:54

As long as your account is below quota, it should be accessible indefinitely. If you do not login into the account for more than 90* days, the account will be deactivated.

*I think it's 90 but I'm not completely sure. Could be 30 too.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Feb 01 2017 22:36:39



[-] Cartmanishere | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 03:05:57

I haven't gotten my account suspended for being over quota but they said they would do it in 30 days in a mail I received from them. I decided not to test them on this.


[-] Leafshade | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 10:10:34

You misread, they will delete your recycling bin after 30 days.


[-] Cartmanishere | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 10:25:26

What happens when your account is still over quota?


[-] Leafshade | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 14:48:28

From what I can tell, they continue to delete your (presumably empty) recycling bin.
