0x99CCFF | 21 points | Feb 02 2017 01:45:03

[META] How are people web ripping netflix without the UI showing?

So, some downloads seem like clean encodes with no ui showing in the beginning or end.

you know that stupid recommendations ui that shows at the end of a video? how are people creating these clean netflix rips?


[-] Maytown | 7 points | Feb 02 2017 01:51:46

There's programs that let you download from rtmp and rtmpe streams.


[-] 0x99CCFF | 11 points | Feb 02 2017 01:56:56

i need to look into that shit. anyone have any more detailed info? im going to google it, but any direct links would be appreciated.


[-] denvit | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 04:10:55

rtmpdump can help with the work, if you need to download rtmp streams.
Unfortunately I don't have Netflix, but I hope it helps


[-] halolordkiller3 | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 04:23:28

I have my friends but I'm not sure how that would work let alone picking the quality you want because from a quick google search it seems rtmp downloads use flash which no one uses anymore


[-] denvit | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 04:27:58

rtmp / rtmpe are streaming protocols developed by Adobe (the "e" stands for encrypted).
They don't necessarily need flash to work


[-] halolordkiller3 | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 04:34:28

Ah hm well then I'll look into this


[-] denvit | 2 points | Feb 02 2017 05:08:19

But I repeat myself, I don't know if it works for Netflix since I have never used it. I was just proposing a software based on what the user commented.
I hope you find a way to do it - if you are interested you can PM me and we can find a way together


[-] 0x99CCFF | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 20:33:02

ive been trying this along with rtmpdumphelper. no luck yet.


[-] givebak | 5 points | Feb 02 2017 04:25:00

I don't think they've been able to capture the full stream from the rtmp source since they are encrypted. I know TrollUHD has rips off of Netflix via standalone 4k players(with Netflix support) via video out into a capture card capable of capping the content.


[-] basicfront | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 04:07:07

wish someone would rip trollhunters


[-] Hondalol1 | 1 points | Feb 04 2017 23:15:31

they have


[-] pokefinder2 | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 13:09:45

any experience with https://www.playon.tv/ ?


[-] 0x99CCFF | 2 points | Feb 02 2017 20:24:30

yea, playon is basically capturing from a webbrowser. The watermark the beginning and end of the videos with identifiable information (your name and email). There are still compression artifacts in the beginning of a video when its buffering. kind of a hack job. not worth it.


[-] radiocaf | 1 points | Feb 02 2017 19:58:58

I have tried RTMPDump with no success, but not on Netflix. I've tried it on several streaming sites to no avail. Dunno if it's user error or just the sites now can detect and guard against RTMPDump, I know MTV Player said "There has been an error" when RTMPDump was running.


[-] AGE555 | -7 points | Feb 02 2017 12:05:26

I smell a rat.


[-] 0x99CCFF | 2 points | Feb 02 2017 20:26:33

must be the shit on your upper lip.
