8_Some_Chicken_Shit | 30 points | Feb 06 2017 13:46:45


LINK Replace xxxx With mega

KEY: !3cw4yiMRj9Q2antrQMOdPA



To fix the installer you will first need to unpack the contents of the iso file to your computer as you will need to edit a file in the iso (iso files are read only and you will need to write to a file), once that is done you must open the OriginSetup.ini file, at the bottom you will see this

DLCRepoSubPath="Installer\DLC" DLCInstallerDataSubPath="Installer\installerdata.xml"

you need to add ";" to the start of each line so it looks like this

;DLCRepoSubPath="Installer\DLC" ;DLCInstallerDataSubPath="Installer\installerdata.xml"

save the file and then open the OriginSetup.exe and the launcher will work this time. Cheers.

EDIT: tested and verified by me.


[-] sirber | 3 points | Feb 06 2017 14:40:21

Does it work whitout using Origin?


[-] 8_Some_Chicken_Shit | 1 points | Feb 06 2017 15:46:03

Nope you have to run the origin setup. But first you got to copy all the contents from the iso file into a folder. It doesnt work if you run the setup on a virtual drive.


[-] daidalos5 | 1 points | Feb 06 2017 17:42:37

Are the repacks like Corepack any good?


[-] 8_Some_Chicken_Shit | 1 points | Feb 06 2017 18:09:28

Only cpy version of BF1 is out right now. It depends really, they re-rip the audio and cinematic scenes to lower qualities sometimes. It can be more buggy as well and take longer to install but if you want a smaller size download then corepack, fitgirl and Kaos are your main choices.


[-] Fortune_Cat | 1 points | Feb 07 2017 00:20:07

Out of curiosity how come this took so long to release?


[-] SilverWootz | 1 points | Feb 07 2017 03:41:52



[-] bornamann | 1 points | Feb 06 2017 19:00:59

Is this just the offline singleplayer content?


[-] 8_Some_Chicken_Shit | 1 points | Feb 06 2017 19:28:47

Yes. Multiplayer always dont work on cracked games.


[-] s0ft_ | 1 points | Feb 06 2017 23:27:28

Not true.


[-] WrenchMonkey319 | 1 points | Feb 07 2017 00:19:26

Like what just happened with Conan. BUT will likely be or has been hot fixed in a patch. So yea 99.999% MP will not work on cracked games.


[-] s0ft_ | 1 points | Feb 07 2017 12:33:48

Yep, but 99.999% is different from always.


[-] Gatorcat | 1 points | Feb 07 2017 20:13:21

Five 9's is a LOT of uptime though.


[-] 8_Some_Chicken_Shit | 1 points | Feb 07 2017 06:20:59

Newer mainstream games cant be cracked for multiplayer cause the game uses the official server. Some gamers use tunngle to play other piraters on multiplayer but not on new mainstream games.


[-] s0ft_ | 2 points | Feb 07 2017 12:33:10

That is true, but there are some games on which the multiplayer works even if they are cracked. For example I remember when I was trying rocket league before buying it and the multiplayer worked, same thing for, say, Shellshock Live. It is however true that the mainstream ones don't work nowadays
