n0197exe | 15 points | Feb 21 2017 15:44:18

[MUSIC] Linkin Park – Heavy (Promo CD) (2017) 320 KBPS [40MB]


Key: !PAgq7f8iQYDl8fiJ9PCE4g


[-] vcdupper | 7 points | Feb 21 2017 19:52:10

This song sucks ass WTF LP GRRRRR


[-] n0197exe | 1 points | Feb 21 2017 15:44:33

  1. Heavy (feat. Kiiara) [2:50]

  2. Heavy (feat. Kiiara) [Clean] [2:50]

  3. Heavy (feat. Kiiara) [Instrumental] [2:50]

  4. Heavy (feat. Kiiara) [TV Track] [2:50]

  5. Heavy (feat. Kiiara) [Acapella] [2:50]

  6. Heavy (feat. Kiiara) [Clean Acapella] [2:50]


[-] roadmaptonowhere | 1 points | Feb 21 2017 17:53:47

Thank you OP!

This music is so bad tho... what happened to Linkin Park?


[-] joshmaaaaaaans | 6 points | Feb 21 2017 19:20:56

Meteora and Hybrid Theory are the only 2 albums I like personally.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Feb 22 2017 10:32:58

Hunting Party was pretty good too imho.

But for the rest of the albums, I tend to only like stuff Mike does 90% of the vocals on.

Maybe we'll get another Fort Minor album some day.


[-] misinformedmagician | 1 points | Feb 22 2017 00:47:24

Nah best one was in between those. That was Reanimation!


[-] Cartmanishere | 1 points | Feb 22 2017 09:35:27

Those were super fun. I also like Living Things but anything after that - its not what I liked about LP.


[-] n0197exe | 1 points | Feb 21 2017 17:59:39

I don't know, Im a big fan of LP


[-] Knaite | 1 points | Feb 21 2017 18:03:05

They changed genre. They were rock/metal, alternate rock, rap rock, then they went to electo rock, and now... Clear pop. I won't hate them. Change is evitable. As a pop song this one's really catchy. But never expected this from Linkin Park.


[-] roadmaptonowhere | 3 points | Feb 21 2017 18:05:56

Linkin Park's specific genre was nu metal, and now they are just another pop band.
