jacquescedric | 72 points | Feb 23 2017 02:29:43

[META] macOS application for downloading from Mega

I realised that some Mac users out there were having difficulty bypassing the download limit on Mega and didn't want to use the MegaTools command line tool. So I wrote this App which is essentially a GUI frontend for Megatools.


It's open source, and it's spam free.

Also, I'm fairly new to posting on Reddit. So apologies if I've committed some kind of faux pas.

~~Edit: Seems to be a problem with machines running Sierra. Will try and sort it out ASAP~~

Second Edit: I've sussed out what the problem is. After upgrading to Sierra, and goofing around on the other two laptops I have access to, I realised that macOS doesn't really allow static compilation of programs. The issue comes from a package that megaTools relies on (glib) not being installed by default. All I can really recommend is installing Homebrew, then megaTools, and then using Ananke as a GUI frontend. I will update the readme to reflect this shortcoming. Sorry, gang.


[-] Pnnsnndlltnn | 4 points | May 21 2017 14:21:06

For Mac users who can't get the app to work (wouldn't work for me with Sierra 10.12.3), you can do this:

  1. Install Homebrew

  2. Enter brew install megatools in your terminal

  3. Then enter megadl 'whatever mega link you want to download' in the terminal once the megatools are installed. Don't forget the quotations marks.


[-] dsfdgsggf1 | 1 points | May 25 2017 18:38:32

I get " skipping invalid mega download link"

How do I add the password?


[-] Pnnsnndlltnn | 1 points | May 25 2017 18:40:17

As in the decryption key? Paste the key into the mega.nz site when it prompts you, and then paste the new URL (after you've entered the decryption key) into your terminal.


[-] dsfdgsggf1 | 1 points | May 25 2017 19:01:47

As in the decryption key?


OK. I have the mega extension turned on so I don't get a normal looking url. I assume its the url of the mega link with the decryption key attached to it? If so I added that and now I get something about "weird packets" and it fails.

mega is acting really strange for me. I can't even load the link in safari and it keeps denying the key in chrome


[-] Pnnsnndlltnn | 1 points | May 25 2017 19:19:23

Hmm. Strange! I'm using chrome, no mega extension, and after the decryption key I get a unique URL


[-] dsfdgsggf1 | 1 points | May 25 2017 19:36:58

got it working with a different link,,, thanks!


[-] 6642099 | 1 points | Jun 15 2017 18:25:31

i can't get files to download this way. it says 'server returned 509'



[-] Pnnsnndlltnn | 1 points | Jun 15 2017 19:07:05

I just started getting that same message in the last day or two. It's like the megatools are getting caught by the 5GB limit now 😔


[-] royalspark | 1 points | Jun 18 2017 20:19:20

Hi I'm noob in this things, does this files will slow or damage the Mac because I Just bought the new MacBook Pro and I'm scared to do this steps and in the same time I want the app. Sorry for my English .


[-] Pnnsnndlltnn | 1 points | Jun 18 2017 20:58:42

I'm also fairly noob but no, it did not damage or slow my computer in any way.


[-] Cantdiggthis | 3 points | Feb 23 2017 03:40:22

I'm not able to get this to work, while it runs and I'm able to select the download directory - when I copy a link and press the download button, it seems as if it is working as the two buttons are greyed out, but after a few seconds the two buttons can be selected again, as if there was an error.


[-] jacquescedric | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 03:44:03

Hmmmm. That's unusual but it may be because the download started and was then aborted for an unusual reason. Check the folder you downloaded to for any partially completed downloads, then delete them and try to download again.

If that fails. Could you please try building in Xcode and then see what the debugging console says?


[-] contiveros | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 03:44:06

The same thing is happening to me as well, do I/we need to install megatools?


[-] jacquescedric | 3 points | Feb 23 2017 04:00:53

Hey, just checked on two other Macbooks and megadl crashed on one but worked on the other. I wonder if it could do with the fact that the working machines run El Capitan, and the machine where it crashed was using Sierra.

Could you please tell me what version of OSX you're using?

Edit: Thanks for your input


[-] contiveros | 3 points | Feb 23 2017 04:31:40

It may not work right now in Sierra, but thank you for working so hard on getting something to work for others.


[-] Cantdiggthis | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 04:02:44

Sierra (public beta 10.12.4), looks like that's the pattern.


[-] otiliorules | 2 points | Feb 23 2017 04:11:19

Same and I'm on Sierra 10.12.3


[-] PricelessPersuader | 2 points | Feb 23 2017 10:50:10


No crash but it wont download


[-] contiveros | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 04:24:20



[-] yador | 3 points | Feb 23 2017 10:22:39

Wouldn't something like Jdownloader 2 work?


[-] docholoday | 4 points | Feb 23 2017 15:05:10

JD2 did work for a while at the beginning, but in the last couple months they must have identified it as a client somehow and now it just keeps saying "Bandwidth Exceeded", regardless of how much you've actually downloaded.

I moved on to the command line and it's been working fine for a while, but it has some drawbacks (no que, folder downloads only, etc).

I'm interested to try what OP made.

EDIT: Tried it, seems to work fine on El Cap. I haven't upgraded to Sierra yet.


[-] pables420 | 2 points | Apr 30 2017 19:31:43

Thanks for making this! Is there anyway to download specific folders/directories instead of everything within a link?


[-] xkillachillix | 1 points | May 05 2017 02:30:23

Sorry to not to reply to your comment but it seems to have worked for you. I have done all the instructions and when i go to open the megadl file it opens a terminal and says no links. where do i open the application/put in the links?


[-] pables420 | 2 points | May 06 2017 02:09:57

its an app, it doesnt run in terminal. once you download the zip, it has an app inside of it, if youre in sierra and have run all the brew commands you can open the app and use it as normal. as of now theres no way to download specific folders, only a whole directory


[-] KenPinBowling | 2 points | Jun 28 2017 05:52:13

Hey, dude. I downloaded the Ananke application and followed all the steps, but it doesn't seem to be working. The application's text will turn a greyish colour when I click download, then return to their normal colour after a few seconds. Do you know how to fix this problem?


[-] contiveros | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 03:32:54

You just made me feel all tingly in my bathing suit area.


[-] Apodacaac | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 04:06:39

Has anyone tried this that has used MiPony ? How does this compare?


[-] Over__Analyse | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 05:45:20

I've read this a couple of times now but I couldn't find any more info, what is this Mega download limit people refer to? Browser downloads limit speed? And the MEGAsync app/megatools don't?


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 09:54:08

5GB transfer cap.


[-] superwario22 | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 09:48:32

thanks so much for this! I have Sierra on my Mac so haven't downloaded it yet but i can't wait to download it once the error is fixed! thanks again!


[-] ediskrad73 | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 13:52:14

checking in, running Sierra and getting an error. looking forward to this working!


[-] R3b37K | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 15:00:47

Didn't work for me: 10.11.6


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Feb 23 2017 20:47:04

thank you for this! but im on Sierra too.


[-] otiliorules | 1 points | Feb 24 2017 05:06:23

I followed the steps in your readme and it works perfectly. This was super easy to set up too. Thank you so much!!!


[-] mad_hedgehog | 1 points | Feb 24 2017 22:32:28

how do i open it? it came in a zip file and then a folder???


[-] jacquescedric | 1 points | Feb 25 2017 02:15:55

Hmmm. If you download the .zip from the Github releases page it should just decompress to an app. I just downloaded and tested it then without issue. Perhaps try re-downloading and try again?


[-] longnecks0 | 1 points | Apr 03 2017 02:16:32

Thanks! Works great :)


[-] pables420 | 1 points | Jul 31 2017 10:56:05

This no longer works and it's affecting all of the mega applications. More info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/megalinks/comments/6f0z7h/meta_megadownloader_and_megatools_are_no_longer/


[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Feb 23 2017 14:12:33

Windows 7
