vcdupper | 80 points | Mar 12 2017 20:43:45

[MOVIE] Breaking.Bad.The.Movie.2017.720p.WEB-Rip.x264-Vimeo [1.68GB]

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[-] [deleted] | 19 points | Mar 12 2017 23:37:29

I didn't think breaking bad was slow paced... id gladly re-watch the full series.


[-] megathrowaway123 | 3 points | Mar 13 2017 02:52:52

I'm just now finishing my first rewatch, so second time total. It was great and I could pick up on some details I missed before. Plus, I can feel how some characters were different than how I first interpreted them


[-] CodyOdi | 1 points | Mar 13 2017 03:01:25

I'm on rewatch number 5, still picking up on little things.


[-] vcdupper | 15 points | Mar 12 2017 20:44:20

All 62 Episodes Of 'Breaking Bad' Have Been Edited Into A 127-Minute Film.

Pretty much everyone agrees that Breaking Bad is one of the best TV shows ever made. But it's undeniable that beginning to watch it from scratch, or even to re-watch it, can seem a pretty daunting task.
There are 62 hour long episodes in total, so it's a lot of time to set aside for the notoriously slow-paced show.
'If only there was another way to watch it, all in one go,' I hear you say.
Well lucky for you there now is, as somebody has edited the series into a movie.




[-] commit_bat | 11 points | Mar 13 2017 04:13:33

So that's about two minutes from each episode? No way this could go wrong


[-] thunder2132 | 15 points | Mar 12 2017 23:51:15

Unpopular opinion: I've tried three times over the last few years to get into Breaking Bad. I'm most of the way through season 2. I have such an apathetic view toward the show. I don't like it, but I also don't hate it. I really just couldn't care less.

Maybe I'll watch this to get it out of the way and if I like where it goes pick up the series again.


[-] yeeiser | 12 points | Mar 13 2017 00:36:17

I had the same opinion when I was watching the show. It was so slow and even boring. It wasnt till I got to the 4th season that it got really good but tbh its not such a good trade to spend dozens of hours waiting till you get so far for it to finally catch your attention


[-] CodyOdi | 2 points | Mar 13 2017 03:03:57

When you watch it again it's a bit easier because you appreciate what's going to happen at the end. Honestly it might be better to watch season 4 and 5 first and then go back to watch the full series.


[-] iBrick | 8 points | Mar 13 2017 09:26:04

My problem was, I didn't like any of the characters. All of them seemed to be assholes, which made it hard to watch for me.


[-] thunder2132 | 2 points | Mar 13 2017 13:21:08

That was my issue too, along with it being over-hyped.


[-] MyClitBiggerThanUrD | 1 points | Mar 18 2017 22:51:10

Over hype is definitely a problem when watching a lot of series after they became popular. I watched BB from the start, always really enjoyed it and like it even more when I rewatch a few episodes.


[-] abcdefgrapes | 3 points | Mar 13 2017 00:37:58

hmm id say definitely stick with it. while i completely enjoyed every season off breaking bad, the general consensus is that the first two seasons are a bit of a struggle to get through. i won't try to hype up your first viewing but you're in for a wild ride if you commit!


[-] otiliorules | 3 points | Mar 13 2017 02:09:00

I thought it was ssooooo boring too. I ended up watching it while I was at work. Once I got about halfway into s3 that stopped and it commanded my full attention from that point out.


[-] ChrisW828 | 2 points | Mar 13 2017 00:35:21

It took me a few tries, too, and then, bam.

Then I thought the second to the last season wrapped everything up and the last season was going to be dumb. Wrong again.


[-] jaykhunter | 2 points | Mar 13 2017 01:32:47

It really picks up in s3, I'd really recommend binge-watching it, it's admittedly slow but the character development is so worth it when you start hitting the really heavy episodes. S6 has some of the finest episodes ever made. Hope you stick it out!


[-] aManPerson | 2 points | Mar 13 2017 02:43:48

one thing that may help, before this, the main character had only played one big hollywood role. he was a good father to a poor family showing family problems. he seemed very innocent. so then he does this stuff in breaking bad and it comes out of left field.


[-] PrimodialStrain | 4 points | Mar 12 2017 21:36:34

This actually sounds amazing going to give it a try. Thank you


[-] heatproofmatt | 14 points | Mar 12 2017 22:34:45

its bad. none of these fan-edits that try to do a full show are good.


[-] ChrisW828 | 2 points | Mar 13 2017 00:54:28

Can anyone link to the best they've seen so far? My husband is loving Better Call Saul, but also couldn't get into BB. A bad movie is the most I'll get him to watch.


[-] thunder2132 | 1 points | Mar 14 2017 20:44:48

I couldn't get through season 2 of Breaking Bad. I just watched this today. The first two seasons are almost entirely skipped. It feels a bit fractured, but the last hour or so flows pretty well. I no longer feel the need to try to watch the show.


[-] ChrisW828 | 2 points | Mar 14 2017 20:56:18

Thank you. That should be good enough for hubs. :)


[-] PrimodialStrain | 1 points | Mar 12 2017 22:44:23

Since it's Breaking Bad it's worth a watch if I don't like it i will delete and stick to my Blu-ray's.


[-] mrmnder | 1 points | Mar 13 2017 00:05:02

I think they might be able to do it in a 6 hour movie ( the length of Godfather I & II ). It would be pretty dense, and you'd have to drop a few things that make the show the show (e.g., the fly episode), but you could get the major story across.


[-] extremebs | 3 points | Mar 18 2017 20:30:57

Here is the 4GB link it's still 720p but it's the max that could be originally downloaded.

I zipped the video into one big zip & cut it into 3 mini RARs to avoid takedown, to extract you need to put all mini RARs in one place then you just open the mini RAR that says [part1] and you extracts to your desired location and finally extract the mp4 from the zip to your desired location.


[-] GoTomArrow | 1 points | Jun 25 2017 09:51:21

Thanks, you're a lifesaver.


[-] hickay69 | 2 points | Mar 12 2017 21:24:45

Just watch it already.


[-] greatflicks | 2 points | Mar 13 2017 01:12:47

Thanks, sounds cool.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Mar 13 2017 02:11:11



[-] LikeARoss0708 | 2 points | Mar 13 2017 08:50:43

Theres a limit of what can be achieved in 2 hours, they have a lot to cover.


[-] megupets | 2 points | Mar 14 2017 05:18:28

Its gone :(


[-] vcdupper | 2 points | Mar 14 2017 11:43:27

No it's not!


[-] fatnigger92 | 2 points | Mar 14 2017 14:41:35

what about subtitles?


[-] iyousif | 1 points | Mar 14 2017 17:41:14

Yes, please share subtitle is you find one!


[-] AlexS101 | 1 points | Mar 13 2017 09:36:05

Wasn’t this posted yesterday on /r/videos and everybody agreed that it is shit?


[-] volunteervancouver | 2 points | Mar 13 2017 12:18:31

[-] _stream_line_ | 1 points | Mar 14 2017 22:00:21

Thanks m8!


[-] sh00ter999 | 1 points | Mar 16 2017 17:34:28

Isn't there a full quality 1080p version of roughly 4GB ? Someone in the original thread claimed that there had been one 🤔
