kaching335 | 43 points | Apr 05 2017 05:04:07

[Comics] Ultimate Spider-Man Complete Run (Digital)

If you're new to comics in general or just Spider-Man comics this is a great place to start. In the early 2000s, Marvel launched its Ultimate Universe to re-imagine its characters and their origins in a more modern time frame. Such re-imaginings are usually ill received however the Ultimate Universe did fantastic with Ultimate Spider-Man. Miles Morales originates from this universe, though he is also now in the mainstream universe following the recent Secret Wars event. This collects everything prior to that event. Hope you enjoy, here's a reading order list I made. Note, a couple of these aren't digital as they were never released digitally - these are Ultimate Spider-Man 1/2 and Ultimate Six #0, they were Wizard 1/2 Comic exclusives.


Series | Key | Notes -------|-----|------ Ultimate Spider-Man | !aCdEAdxqFLfOmCR2IlRM1w | Beginning of the series. The numbering gets a bit weird, check the reading order guide. Ultimate Marvel Team-Up | !a2yIsd1XGpAOzZlbii0aJg | Pretty much the same thing as Marvel Team-Up, only in the Ultimate universe. Ultimate Six | !-zUR7iKpi9Z7aNcyBSZeaA | Ultimate Universe's Sinister Six Ultimate Comics - Spider-Man Vol. 1 | !GNFn9prmgnv1hkaBLvc1Og | Continuation of "Ultimate Spider-Man" following Ultimatum Ultimate Fallout | !Vv6SbpgNpmj3orZCTtsvsA | Limited series dealing with the aftermath of Ultimate Spider-Man #160. Introduces Miles Morales. Ultimate Comics - Spider-Man Vol. 2 | !H9PUb0nx6K3Akt3FZk0xKA | Miles Morales' first solo series. Spider-Men | !HEPP4-rasxjM12V9RKZFJQ | Limited Series where 616 Spidey and Miles Morales meet for the first time. The Ultimates - Divided We Fall, United We Stand (Event) | !KtWjs8g588PwOaFrKdr_Uw | Event that overlaps with Ultimate Comics - Spider-Man Vol. 2. Cataclysm (Event) | !WuqBCKgkYGetmrPc9L6N9g | An event that takes place between Ultimate Comics - Spider-Man Vol. 2 and Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1. Ultimatum (Event) | !HGJlD8jk7bi_BuVd2vsglA | Event that takes place between Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate Comics - Spider-Man Vol. 1. Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man Volume 1 | !J03C-F1Yj11pkz1lNUeDcw | Miles Morales' second solo series. All-New X-Men Vol. 1 - Ultimate Adventure | !G8kWGLBcn-zyJRZqt8KibA | Optional crossover. Ultimate Galactus Trilogy | !i3oVHwgEh3b3iDdYQz1mZQ | Optional event with ties to Cataclysm.


Check out my other other comic related uploads:

The Amazing Spider-Man Daily Strips (2009-Present)

Spider-Man 2099 Comics

Spider-Gwen Comics

BBC/Graphic Audio - DC Comics Audio Dramas

2000 AD - Judge Dredd/Strontium Dog Audio Dramas - Big Finish

Resident Evil Megathread (Games/Comics/Novels)

Silent Hill Megathread (Games/Comics/Novel)


[-] tonystankisajerk | 5 points | Apr 05 2017 16:42:54

Thank you for this. I'm also a big Spidey fan, reading most of his titles from the beginning.

Also, fuck Ultimatum. The only thing that came out of that I considered good (and I'm focusing only on Spider-Man) was that Jameson saw Spidey being a hero instead of the menace he always called him.


[-] kaching335 | 2 points | Apr 05 2017 16:50:08

I haven't actually read these yet. But boy I have heard things about Ultimatum..


[-] tonystankisajerk | 2 points | Apr 05 2017 16:52:46

Yeah it single handily killed most of the Ultimate characters (most notably the X-Men characters).

I would stay away from it.


[-] kaching335 | 2 points | Apr 05 2017 16:53:10

I'm too completionist for that unfortunately.


[-] tonystankisajerk | 1 points | Apr 05 2017 16:54:39

Yeah that was me too for OMD. I hated it and didn't want to even read BND after.


[-] kaching335 | 2 points | Apr 05 2017 16:55:46

I want to eventually read all things Spidey. I'll probably start with these since it's quicker than reading all of 616 lol and I have read some of the newer Miles already


[-] rorywithoutwax | 2 points | Apr 05 2017 08:04:42

Thanks for the share and the reading guide, makes it very easy to know how to tackle.


[-] Reddit_Z | 2 points | Apr 05 2017 08:06:50

cheers dude


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Apr 05 2017 10:56:16



[-] kaching335 | 3 points | Apr 05 2017 11:24:08

I plan on posting all of the mainstream Spidey at once after I find digital versions to replace some of the scans I have.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Apr 05 2017 11:49:00



[-] kaching335 | 3 points | Apr 05 2017 12:45:09

No prob, doing it for myself to read anyway just figured I'd share. Spidey is my favorite hero afterall


[-] tonystankisajerk | 1 points | Apr 05 2017 16:49:56

Do you mean from the original Amazing (1963) to the recent ones?

And would this include all the other titles too? Like Spectacular, Friendly Neighborhood, Sensational, Marvel Knights, etc.


[-] kaching335 | 2 points | Apr 05 2017 16:51:22

Aye. All the 616 and current stuff that I can get my hands on (I have pretty much all the ongoing ones, just need to look at some of the limited series/one shots etc next, besides replacing some of the scans I have for digital)


[-] jlobasso | 1 points | Apr 05 2017 16:52:18

If that's what you're interested in, there is already a bundle, in order, on getcomics.info


[-] tonystankisajerk | 1 points | Apr 05 2017 16:57:29

Yeah I know. I read through all of the Spidey stuff up to Secret Wars (2015). Fallen behind after that.


[-] _Letum_ | 2 points | Apr 05 2017 19:17:48

Sweet. I do have these on my computer and was planning on doing one massive Ultimate Universe upload. You have saved me some time. Thank you.


[-] kaching335 | 3 points | Apr 05 2017 19:18:24

Cheers man. Happy to be of service.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 14 2017 08:13:07



[-] kaching335 | 1 points | May 14 2017 17:22:46

I've got pretty much everything, it's just a matter of getting some of the other appearances and some of the events. It won't be any problem just need a bit o time to download and organize it all. I'm at about 80 gigs or so now >.>

Thanks though.


[-] kaching335 | 1 points | May 16 2017 17:58:31

Note: I updated the reading order to be more neat, edited the link in the original post to the new one. Also, 616 post is still coming, just give it more time. :)


[-] Loz277 | 1 points | Aug 23 2017 12:35:21

I didn't get any errors with the first zip file, but the others seem to have a ton... :'(


[-] kaching335 | 1 points | Aug 23 2017 12:48:06

None of these are zipped though? Try using Megadownloader (check the sidebar)


[-] Loz277 | 1 points | Aug 23 2017 14:18:57

I open the link, then I just click download as a ZIP. (So I guess I should try individual downloads for the missing ones.)


[-] kaching335 | 1 points | Aug 23 2017 14:35:30

I don't think that's very reliable for big downloads


[-] Loz277 | 1 points | Aug 23 2017 15:54:14

I mean, it worked fine for the biggest one of 160+, but w/e. I just manually did (most, damn data cap) the missing ones.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Sep 05 2017 11:54:17



[-] GoingSFF | 1 points | Sep 07 2017 01:55:51

I didn't do a full audit but this seems to be missing

Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man v2 010


[-] kaching335 | 1 points | Sep 07 2017 02:08:12

I don't know how but I ended up missing this one on my end as well, even though I know I have read it. Anyway, it's up now. Sorry.


[-] GoingSFF | 2 points | Sep 07 2017 13:44:32

NP! Thanks for all your hard work. Many lurkers appreciate it.
