xakersas | 26 points | Apr 11 2017 17:49:24

[Discussion] What are the best programming courses you found here and why?


[-] JWOINK | 7 points | Apr 11 2017 22:07:52

The Udemy Python courses are great. I'm still waiting for a Udemy course on C, been wanting to learn that for awhile


[-] xakersas | 3 points | Apr 11 2017 22:13:03

Thanks for the comment, what course exactly are you talking about, i've found 3 different ones based on python.

btw i've heard the book "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" is pretty good.


[-] zductiv | 1 points | Apr 13 2017 03:08:51

MIT 6.00.1x on edX


[-] street0721 | -2 points | Apr 12 2017 10:33:15

the best course is: copy-paste
