greytmeam | 20 points | Apr 16 2017 19:15:15

[META] Long-term Archive?

This is gonna be a long post, hopefully worth reading, but for most, the TLDR is enough.

I'm starting out a multi-platform (several different Google Drives, MEGA, ACD, etc.) unlimited encrypted backup solution for communities like this. The death of huge archives like are a true loss to the community, and I hope that my personal project will one day scope out to a point where anyone can access it and it won't get shut down -- these types of communities respect artists for what they create, pay the original creators (especially up and starting ones), and act as a library of artistic history for anyone irrelevant of their income. As of now, this project is mainly just a Google Drive account with something like 20TB, unencrypted, not backed up, etc. I have a hypothetical way to backup files with encryption using rclone, and large data transfers setup with multcloud for now.

Now, as for what I came here to ask, I would really love help in any way anyone wants to contribute. If anyone can help organize, add content, shift this to a decentralized network to avoid censorship (eg. ZeroNet), or anything else (even just advice, or criticism, it'd be much appreciated). Also, if this is the wrong sub, please let me know and I'll repost elsewhere. I'd be more than glad to discuss this or answer any questions if any arise.

TL;DR: I'm making a multi-platform unlimited encrypted backup solution with content from MEGA, /r/opendirectories, various trackers, and my own uploads.

Thanks a bunch everyone!


[-] ruralcricket | 8 points | Apr 16 2017 19:22:46

You might enjoy this articles.


[-] greytmeam | 1 points | Apr 16 2017 19:27:36

Awesome, thanks! I'll be sure to read through them later today.


[-] Cartmanishere | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 06:13:07

Great project. I will always support all attempts at archiving and backing up content. As far as content goes, I have a lot of (Not as much as you but still alot) stuff backed up on MEGA (multiple accounts). I share a part of it at Almost all of it is uploaded by people on this sub and hence I have no problem sharing that with you to encrypt and backup. I would be happy to contribute.

One question though. How would you go about making all the content publically available?


[-] greytmeam | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 14:09:29

So, for now, I'm just backing up everything to a central insecure private Google Drive account. Using rclone, I plan to get it to an encrypted google drive, mounting it on a VPS (with rclone's FUSE mount feature), and hosting a website from there. Also, I hope to one day get a ZeroNet site up and running (haven't gotten those details worked out yet). If those fail, I might just do private requests to join and have access, but I'd like to avoid it.


[-] Cartmanishere | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 14:13:20

If you need, I can contribute content. I backup many of the interesting posts on this site and have been doing this for months. I don't have exact number but it's in the ballpark of 7~8 TB.


[-] greytmeam | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 16:18:11

PM'd details


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 06:50:45



[-] greytmeam | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 14:14:30

Thank you! I PM'd you details about contributing content.


[-] beepb0t | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 08:55:11

LTO6 Tape is the only affordable long-term method


[-] greytmeam | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 14:17:35

Wow, I never actually heard about that until now. Since I'm storing it on several different online sources, I don't think I'll need it though thanks for the advice!


[-] beepb0t | 2 points | Apr 17 2017 15:12:25

its for long term archiving, HDD are nice but their shelf life is too short, one just needs to keep the tapes in a cool environment, and price wises its actually cheaper in the long run. lto6 3.0TB of uncompressed space for video, 6.5TB for compressed data, only down side is the lto device is rather expensive.


[-] greytmeam | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 15:55:19

Gotcha. I'll keep that in mind if I ever want to go in that direction, but I'll stay with encrypted cloud services for now. Thanks for the input!


[-] beepb0t | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 15:25:28

only problem i see with cloud services is how long will the company offering the service last for? otherwise building ones own cloud is very do-able, and the best solution, as long as one has a job and is making money..


[-] greytmeam | 1 points | Apr 17 2017 16:01:19

Though nothing is certain, I have almost full hope that the accounts will not expire, and in conjunction with redundant encrypted backups that are private, it's unlikely to lose anything anytime soon. It will cost me only the price of the VPS from what I can see (which should be manageable).
