n0197exe | 21 points | Apr 28 2017 21:14:30

[TV] Battlestar.Galactica.S01E01.720p.BluRay.nHD.x264-NhaNc3 [732MB]

Change "https" -> "http"


[-] dosemeele | 2 points | Apr 29 2017 01:53:49

Thank you very much! Are you going to post the other chapters? Can you get with Spanish Latin?


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Apr 28 2017 21:19:10

Subtitles for this episode:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] XibalbaN7 | 1 points | Apr 29 2017 20:08:27

n0197exe - what's the best quality versions you have of The Face of the Enemy" webisodes? They've never been released on DVD or Blu Ray anywhere due to licensing issues. I would love to know if what you have is better than what I currently possess.


[-] n0197exe | 2 points | May 01 2017 16:32:03

I don't have it.


[-] JonastheMinotaur | 1 points | May 17 2017 18:28:44

Is there any chance of a full upload of the entire series -- also is this the 2000's version?
