Pm_me_ur_butth0le_ | 20 points | May 01 2017 04:36:05

[META] do your downloads ever 'complete' when they aren't complete?

This seems to be happening more frequently. A file, say that's 5gb, will download 4gb and then megadownloader will say it's completed.

I've tried to keep the incomplete file and then re-add the link but it just duplicates and downloads it all over again.

Is there any way round this? Really annoying when you're on a data cap and shit keeps wasting data.


[-] age_of_cage | 3 points | May 01 2017 06:41:40

Never had that but it frequently used to miss parts of videos while registering as complete, leading to media players/programs stopping when they reached the missing part. Changing the settings to 1 connection per file solved it, maybe it might help with this too?


[-] cxu1993 | 1 points | May 04 2017 03:57:56

I've had this happen to me as well. Good thing it wasn't just me. I just use Jdownloader instead when possible cuz megadownloader also slows my internet down to a crawl every time


[-] Mythopiate | 3 points | May 01 2017 08:58:18

Are you downloading it on a directory other than your hard disk drive? Like, for instance, a USB flash drive?

I'm asking because FAT32 USB drives have a maximum file size limit of 4GB.


[-] YMOT | 3 points | May 01 2017 14:17:35

The 4GB limit is a FAT32 limitation, it has nothing to do with your storage medium.


[-] SpatialWheel | 1 points | May 01 2017 05:20:35

This has happened to me too but not sure why


[-] tonystankisajerk | 1 points | May 01 2017 06:20:40

Is this just a megadownloader incident?


[-] Kulchamaster16lpm | 1 points | May 01 2017 10:06:51

This happened to me with the Seinfeld 15GB download. It said finished but it actually downloaded just half. Tried re-adding the link and 'force re-check' it a la utorrent and then realised the option to check doesn't exist. It simply overwrites existing files and downloads them again.


[-] gaythor | 1 points | May 01 2017 14:59:50

yes but it makes me still wanna redownload it.


[-] MyShout | 1 points | May 01 2017 18:41:42

I've had it happen when I was downloading to my SSD and the drive became full. Missing items were downloaded when I made sufficient space. Now I always send them to my NAS, which has tons of space.
