TheMegaPoster | 227 points | May 19 2017 07:43:56

[META] To get around reddit's AWFUL search, just use google with the "site:" search function to search this subreddit. here's an example: Moana

works great! and way better than reddit's search. it really sucks xD.

here's the actual search if you want to see the results.


[-] achimba | 17 points | May 19 2017 18:13:38

I think this is a bad idea. Your searches will now be logged externally with Google as opposed to internally with Reddit.

'Hey Reddit, give me all the IP addresses who searched for my intellectual property!'

Reddit, 'Fuck off!'

'Hey Google, give me all the IP addresses who searched for my intellectual property!'

Google, 'Here you go!'


[-] hey_kurl | 20 points | May 19 2017 18:41:28

replace the "google" portion of the url with "duckduckgo" and the privacy problem is pretty much resolved.


[-] patapatapatapata | 5 points | May 19 2017 20:08:00

VPN could work too.


[-] theephie | 2 points | May 20 2017 02:04:40

Or tor browser!


[-] TheMegaPoster | 5 points | May 19 2017 21:59:41

but they can't send you a notice or do really anything to you if they know you searched for intellectual property. they need proof of uploading/downloading. that's why you get hit when you torrent on public trackers. It's super easy to see you on there.


[-] sirin3 | 12 points | May 19 2017 16:35:46

What awful?

It always works fine for me. Search for the exact title and sort by new. The old links are dead anyways


[-] weatherwizard_pxw | 5 points | May 19 2017 23:04:15

have you never had the search crash on you? you lucky soul


[-] sirin3 | 4 points | May 19 2017 23:04:45

Then I just keep pressing F5


[-] weatherwizard_pxw | 2 points | May 19 2017 23:06:13

tried that, and i just give up and come back the next day. Maybe its the shit internet speeds we have over here


[-] TheMegaPoster | 3 points | May 19 2017 21:55:29

that works for exact searches sure, but google is great at finding less exact stuff. for example, Marvel's agents of S.H.I.E.L.D or, Marvel's agents of Shield. it will show you results for both if you search one of those.


[-] L00U | 5 points | May 19 2017 10:15:26

Or just use this and add "megalinks" in the search request :)


[-] TheMegaPoster | 1 points | May 19 2017 22:00:27

this does seem to work just as well.


[-] Frankie_Dankie | 3 points | May 19 2017 15:43:58

I normally have good luck just typing "Moana Megalinks"

And then if it's not on reddit I search "Moana Mega Direct Download" and normally that'll bring up something useful.


[-] xHEDA | 1 points | May 19 2017 10:52:27

Thank you
