ManeGarrincha | 91 points | May 19 2017 12:31:03

[SOFTWARE] Adobe Photoshop CC 2017

Adobe Photoshop CC 2017

32 Bit (1.2GB):


64 Bit (2.59GB):


Credit: PirateCity.


[-] BTSpaniel | 12 points | May 19 2017 20:11:38

Make fake account, download official version use amtemu, Done.


[-] ManeGarrincha | 3 points | May 19 2017 23:29:05

/u/whywhywhyisthis and /u/atmykeyboard

Amtemum (Adobe Protection Emulator) is a crack solution for Adobe products. The program essentially exploits the amtlib.dll file. It's included in the DL links above.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 19 2017 23:42:49



[-] ManeGarrincha | 4 points | May 20 2017 00:33:57

Yes. There's a text document with instructions on how to install the file. I installed the 64-bit version this morning and everything works as intended.

Essentially, before running the set-up file, you have to turn off your internet connection. Once the set-up is finished, do not run Photoshop. If it is running, close the program. You will then have to run amtemu.v0.9.1-painter, which can be found under the patch folder. Select Adobe Photoshop CC under the program list and click install. It's that simple.

Please don't forget to block Photoshop's internet access via firewall.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | May 20 2017 01:50:27



[-] ManeGarrincha | 3 points | May 20 2017 02:30:03

I have Avast and MalwareBytes enabled, and have had zero problems. As I mentioned previously, all the program does is exploit the amtlib.dll file.


[-] habibexpress | 1 points | May 20 2017 02:12:26

you'll have to allow it, obviously.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 20 2017 15:59:43



[-] ManeGarrincha | 1 points | May 20 2017 20:27:55

Remember.... you're not adding the amtlib.dll file. All you're doing is exploiting it. Anyway, to fix your problem, all you have to do is find the amtlib.dll file, which is located in the Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 folder - don't navigate to the sub-folders - and you'll find amtlib.dll.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 20 2017 21:23:50



[-] ManeGarrincha | 1 points | May 20 2017 22:15:48

I told you not to navigate to that folder, though. You'll find amtlib.dll under Adobe > Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.

Edit - Please keep me updated.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 20 2017 23:28:00



[-] ManeGarrincha | 1 points | May 20 2017 23:53:11

When you click Install, navigate to Adobe > Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 and you'll find the following.

If you can't find it, I've uploaded my exploited amtlib.dll [here.] (!QuAEVBzb!Bwt9Ao_K8Yk3Ogivpp8D9U-KsyCjE9PnmZC706_K5Uc) Add that to the aforementioned folder and try running Photoshop. (You can run amtemu.v0.9.1-painter again and exploit the exploited dll.)


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 21 2017 00:13:11



[-] [deleted] | 2 points | May 19 2017 20:43:05



[-] Frankie_Dankie | 5 points | May 19 2017 15:45:12

Is the CC version safe? With the cloud and everything.


[-] giratina143 | 4 points | May 19 2017 16:12:57

if its cloud, will it work?, i mean is this cracked?


[-] KidneyMuncher | 2 points | May 20 2017 02:18:19

Yup it will work, because the cloud got cracked.


[-] Commandor90 | 1 points | May 19 2017 17:17:08

Got it from a torrent site, and yeah, I was able to login my account without a problem.


[-] jazy103 | 5 points | May 20 2017 03:42:24

where the dL link? am I blind?


[-] Apodacaac | 7 points | May 20 2017 13:18:24

Yes you're blind. It's literally right in front of your face in the post


[-] leonardoforthelulz | 2 points | Aug 17 2017 16:24:36

copy the text in the quotes after the mega domain.


[-] ShogoTO | 3 points | May 19 2017 17:09:39

This seems to contain both Windows and Macintosh versions. There isn't a set of instructions for the Macintosh.


[-] imadethistojackoff | 5 points | May 19 2017 17:21:14

I have one for mac if you want it.


[-] ShogoTO | 3 points | May 19 2017 17:22:58

Yes please. :) and Premiere if you have it please.


[-] imadethistojackoff | 7 points | May 19 2017 17:33:13

Here ya go



[-] ShogoTO | 1 points | May 23 2017 22:15:46

Thank you. I really appreciate it. Does this work for Illustrator? I tried it after installing and it asks me to reinstall the software. :)


[-] imadethistojackoff | 1 points | May 23 2017 22:38:54

I am not sure. I just tested it with Photoshop and Premier.


[-] moanzonsocial | 1 points | Jun 13 2017 16:35:01

got as far as 'patch or drag' what do I do?


[-] imadethistojackoff | 1 points | Jun 13 2017 18:01:15

run the app


[-] iqjump123 | 1 points | Sep 22 2017 00:48:26

hello sorry to ask for something from 4 months ago, but I am looking for adobe photoshop for Mac.. I tried copying the code above but I got an error. Any help will be appreciated. thank you!


[-] imadethistojackoff | 2 points | Sep 22 2017 03:07:32

did you decode the link?


[-] iqjump123 | 1 points | Sep 22 2017 12:33:27

Oh I thought the address below was an advertising thing. Sorry about that! I got the file now. One more question- the file provided here for download has no dmg file or a Mac installer. How would I go about installing the software?

I am assuming that I will have to install the software from this link then apply your patch?

thanks for the continued help!


[-] imadethistojackoff | 2 points | Sep 22 2017 13:12:20

Its literally a DMG file. Look download the legit version of Adobe whatever CC 17. After you download TURN OFF YOUR INTERNET/WIFI on the top black/white bar or in your system preferences. Run the adobe installer don't sign in don't buy it just do the trial. Then open the file run the crack and you should be good to go.


[-] iqjump123 | 1 points | Sep 22 2017 13:40:33

I have downloaded the dmg file from your link, but the installer is not going forward with the install at all unless I sign in or sign up (no free trial option). I have set up a bogus account and are installing now. Is there a free trial enabled installer file that I should instead download before applying your patch?


[-] imadethistojackoff | 2 points | Sep 22 2017 13:45:35

There is a skip button if I remember correctly. Or did you not turn off your wifi?


[-] iqjump123 | 1 points | Sep 22 2017 13:52:27

I didn't see a skip button.. and moreover, the installer downloaded is a 2 mb file. The installer will have to be much bigger than that if it should be able to install without wifi. It doesn't allow me to avoid the sign in if I am to download and install the software.

The installation just concluded and the software opened up. It does indicate that it is a trial for 7 days... I will turn off wifi and attempt to patch the software .


[-] CHAMPANERIA | 1 points | May 19 2017 18:04:59

you need online for this? Adobe Cloud thingy?


[-] ManeGarrincha | 1 points | May 20 2017 00:39:48

Nope. The set-up file installs Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 and that's it. Obviously you have to run the patch. It's really easy though. Enjoy.


[-] FLOCKA | 1 points | May 19 2017 22:58:08

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5544 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?


[-] seeueniway | 2 points | May 21 2017 04:39:45

need this one too.


[-] Quikmix | 1 points | May 19 2017 23:46:05

I sure hope someone can come up with a copy of premiere elements. That would be great!


[-] crediblevests | 1 points | May 20 2017 03:38:14

Thanks so much! If you ever have InDesign that would thrill me to my core.


[-] ManeGarrincha | 2 points | May 20 2017 05:23:23

I've been trying to find a portable version (one that doesn't need you to install Creative Cloud), but I can't find any working ones. I have, however, found an alternative. Install InDesign via Creative Cloud. Open amtemu.v0.9.1-painter, select Adobe InDesign CC, and hit install. You don't need to keep Adobe Creative Cloud open after this - in fact, you can uninstall it completely and everything should work fine.


[-] crediblevests | 1 points | May 20 2017 06:07:35

Thank you! I'll give this a shot.


[-] 33-- | 1 points | May 20 2017 11:54:46

does anyone have any photoshop actions or tutorials they want to trade?


[-] mynameishonza | 1 points | May 21 2017 10:39:23

Do you, by any chance have Adobe Audition? Would be very helpful. Thanks


[-] ManeGarrincha | 3 points | May 22 2017 12:17:21



[-] shrinkmink | 1 points | Jun 11 2017 00:38:48

What about ilustrator?


[-] rks_sng | 1 points | May 26 2017 06:03:38

Can you upload other Adobe Software for Windows as well as MAC ?


[-] MeerkatShuffle | 1 points | Jun 06 2017 23:13:28

(noob) Can you explain what you mean by: "Do not update after patching (Block ALL (exe's) via firewall) > [Recommended]"

Is this something I can change in my system preferences on my mac? and if so, can you explain how?

Also: I am not sure how to install the trial setup. When I try to open the file Set-up.exe I get an error because it is a windows program. Any ideas?


[-] antonhyip | 1 points | Jun 13 2017 01:07:25 good stuff


[-] samuelcseto | -2 points | May 19 2017 18:48:24

why would you download this, when you can just use ccmaker?
