WankerBott | 47 points | May 25 2017 17:29:25

[Audiobooks] C.S. Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia set


Clean up the // from the b64 code below


This set is more audio drama, than audio book, but it is a very good telling of the Narnia stories. The discs are setup in Chronological order as the story goes, not release date.

  1. The Magician’s Nephew
  2. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
  3. The Horse and His Boy - GOING UP NOW, Oopsie
  4. Prince Caspian
  5. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  6. The Silver Chair
  7. The Last Battle

EDIT I added the seven epubs for someone, so there's that...


[-] bok4600 | 2 points | May 25 2017 23:36:13

the 3rd book is missing


[-] Zarathos8080 | 1 points | May 25 2017 23:39:00

I couldn't even get the link to open! I changed the xxxx but wasn't sure about the PW.


[-] WankerBott | 1 points | May 26 2017 01:42:58

use a base64 decoder to decode the string, then remove the double slashes from the key...


[-] WankerBott | 1 points | May 26 2017 01:37:25

oops, i'll fix that shortly...I guess I missed it somehow


[-] bok4600 | 1 points | May 26 2017 11:30:14



[-] Dude036 | 1 points | May 26 2017 15:35:50

IS the 3rd book fully uploaded?


[-] WankerBott | 1 points | May 26 2017 15:53:06

should be, i can verify when i find my way home tonight
