WankerBott | 40 points | May 26 2017 20:28:34

[Audiobooks] Jack Ryan series, books 1-21


Clean up the double slashes from this base64 string


This is the widely accepted Chronological order to the books, the biggest disagreement comes from Without Remorse & Ghost Recon. Jack Ryan isn't really a 'character' in those books, but they do build the Ryanverse.

I've loved these books since the first time I snuck a read of The Hunt for Red October that my mom had from the library as a child. For a while I wanted to be Jonesy, but I wasn't up to snuff for the military.

  1. Without Remorse (1993)
  2. Patriot Games (1987)
  3. Red Rabbit (2002)
  4. The Hunt for Red October (1984)
  5. The Cardinal of the Kremlin (1988)
  6. Clear and Present Danger (1989)
  7. The Sum of All Fears (1991)
  8. Debt of Honor (1994)
  9. Executive Orders (1996)
  10. Rainbow Six (1998)
  11. The Bear and the Dragon (2000)
  12. The Teeth of the Tiger (2003)
  13. Dead or Alive (2010)
  14. Locked On (2011)
  15. Threat Vector (2012)
  16. Command Authority (2013)
  17. Full Force and Effect (2014)
  18. Under Fire (2015)
  19. Commander-in-Chief (2015)
  20. Duty and Honor (2016)

I screwed up the title, I don't have the 21st book


[-] icantbelieveiclicked | 1 points | May 27 2017 06:37:27

You want to make this accessible to casual folks?


[-] MyShout | 5 points | May 27 2017 07:07:59

The link is given above. You have to substitute mega for xxxx. The key is given in base 64. Ly8hQXRNakhhdjFUMmVrLXRXekdsd2RVUS8v You have to translate it back into ASCII characters. Use the following site for translation: https://www.base64decode.org/ When translated, you will find // at the beginning and end. Remove those before entering the remaining characters as the key on the mega site. Hope that clears it up.


[-] icantbelieveiclicked | 3 points | May 27 2017 07:19:24

Yes, Thanks


[-] MyShout | 1 points | May 27 2017 09:08:47



[-] WankerBott | 1 points | May 27 2017 18:44:16

i can't answer this without being mean, let me think about it...


[-] icantbelieveiclicked | 1 points | May 27 2017 18:56:46

Don't worry about it, somebody else already did it in the comments
