iPhunwa2 | 72 points | May 31 2017 15:07:06

[MOVIE] John Wick Chapter 2 2017 1080p BluRay x264-SPARKS (7.9 GB)


Looking for a smaller size?
720p BluRay x264-SPARKS (5.7 GB)

Import the file to your account. A re-upload will not be possible, so get it while you still can!


[-] chagmed | 5 points | May 31 2017 17:20:35

anyone know of English subs that include all Russian/Italian dialogue?


[-] Lpmikeboy | 2 points | Jun 01 2017 08:15:36

I thiiiink the subs are all stylized text but I have no idea, can someone confirm?


[-] DingoSuavez | 2 points | Jun 02 2017 15:46:46

They are indeed just like the first film. I'm not sure if it's part of a subtitle track but a link I used earlier this week didn't have them.


[-] SubZorro | 4 points | May 31 2017 15:10:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] giratina143 | 2 points | May 31 2017 16:59:38

is x265 better or x264 better? in terms of quality? size isn't an issue, i just want the best quality one


[-] ForceBlade | 6 points | Jun 01 2017 00:08:21

x264 is a great format and easier to encode and playback for weaker machines. Because it's existed for so long it's pretty much everywhere and on every device.. very well supported on many devices. It's a very common format these days.

x265 is more recent.. It's a lot smaller than x264 however it takes more effort to create but results in that smaller filesize using some newer optimization techniques (It works incredibly well on Cartoons/Anime with their static backgrounds and smooth animation/movement, and still very well on Live action movies and TV too)

However h265 takes more effort to playback as well so some older devices like an iPhone 3G for example may struggle to decode/play it back and you'll find lots of TVs/DTVs/Media player devices that plug into the TV, will throw an error trying to play it because they aren't compatible with this new format.


[-] rednight39 | 4 points | May 31 2017 22:22:19



[-] mteg | 3 points | Jun 01 2017 07:04:07

x265 is the better codec.

The problem is it takes much longer to encode than x264 to get better results, and many encoders just go with "fast and easy" and encode x265 either with Nvidia or Intel horrendous hardware encoders, or x265 with very fast encode options, resulting in files that might look half decent on a small screen, but look like shit on any decent 1080p screen, and may even result in worse image quality than a decent x264 encode at the same bitrate.

x265 is the way to go if you want the best encodes, but you need to care about quality. Some groups just see x265 as a fast way to reencode video to a smaller file, and the result can be incredibad.


[-] rednight39 | 2 points | May 31 2017 22:22:34

AKA The Return of Neo


[-] ForceBlade | 3 points | May 31 2017 23:57:39

No shit. He's a cool dude in real life too. Love his work


[-] rednight39 | 3 points | Jun 01 2017 00:32:00

Yeah, despite the challenges he's faced (perhaps because of them) he seems to be really kind and caring.

And if you haven't seen this yet, I wasn't kidding about Neo. This is as close to a 4th Matrix as we're likely to get.


[-] talldude7 | 2 points | Jun 03 2017 00:13:41

5 villains shooting at him at the same time with sub machine guns and he doesn't get hit once. they should have call this movie Matrix 4


[-] andrescarvas | 1 points | Jun 03 2017 17:12:02

Thank you, great movie
